Planning Advocates Open Doors to New Connections

Policymakers at local, state, and national levels depend on planners to bring data, insights, and guidance that can shape the policies that change lives. Planning advocates brought those insights to Capitol Hill during APA's annual Congressional Fly-In this week.

Planners from across the country strengthened existing relationships and built new connections with Congressional representatives through conversations about the role of zoning reform in addressing the housing supply shortage. Specifically, advocates brought four key federal actions to the table for discussion:

Each piece of legislation and grant program enjoys bipartisan support and would provide communities with federal funding, data, and idea-sharing necessary to advance local housing reforms that expand opportunity for all.

Day one kicked off with panels featuring David Jimenez, manager of government affairs for Niskanen Center's social policy team; Jason Jordan, APA's principal of policy; and former U.S. House Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA). The main takeaway from these discussions?

In the words of former Rep. Dent, "Solving the housing crisis is not easy. [Planners] are the subject matter experts and Congressional reps need help and guidance from you."
Ed LeClear and Rep Charlie Dent at Congressional Fly In 2024

Former U.S. House Representative Charlie Dent speaks with planning advocate Ed LeClear, AICP, about the role of planners in providing Congress with on-the-ground housing insights.

Advocates also heard from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Kera Package, deputy assistant secretary for grant programs for the Office of Community Planning and Development, who dug into detail around the PRO Housing program and answered planners' questions about current and future federal funding opportunities.

Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook

Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook cover

Federal Grant Opportunities

Learn more about the PRO Housing program and other federal grant opportunities you can use to reform housing in your community with the Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook.

On the Hill, planning advocates met with over 71 Congressional offices across 21 states — all to talk about the planning-led zoning reform work happening in their communities, and what more could be possible with federal support through federal action like PRO Housing, the Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Act, the Housing Supply and Affordability Act, and YIMBY Act.

Advocates were eager to bring stories from their communities directly to policymakers with the power to spur federal action. "I'm excited about it because I know it's going to impact the lives of people in my community," said Kara Drane, FAICP, a planning advocate from South Carolina. "It takes a planner to create local housing reform!"

Advocates Capitol Selfie at Congressional Fly-In 2024

Advocates were eager to share the housing challenges and successes their communities are seeing with Congressional representatives.

Emily Pasi, Kara Drane, and Rep Ralph Norman at Congressional Fly-In 2024

(left to right) APA Public Affairs Director Emily Pasi, U.S. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), and planning advocate Kara Drane, FAICP, meet to talk about federal legislation for local zoning reform

Before closing the book on this year's Congressional fly-in, APA was proud to sponsor a moderated discussion with the New York Times' Ezra Klein and the pro-housing advocacy group YIMBY Action. APA President Angela D. Brooks, FAICP, opened the event with these thoughts:

"Planners from across the country have been on Capitol Hill today to talk with lawmakers about a federal role in helping drive local housing supply solutions. From Capitol Hill to the campaign trail, this issue is everywhere. I believe it has the potential to unite us while also unleashing our economy and communities. 

If we want to create greater opportunities for everyone and communities that work for all, we need plans that dare to focus on the abundance of the things we need to thrive. Housing is at the top of the list."  

Angela in front of crowd at YIMBY Action Event

APA President Angela D. Brooks, FAICP, opens a moderated panel discussion with New York Times' Ezra Klein and YIMBY Action co-founder and executive director Sonja Trauss.

Planning advocates meet in Washington, D.C. to prepare for Congressional meetings about federal support for zoning reform.

Planning advocates meet in Washington, D.C., to prepare for Congressional meetings about federal support for zoning reform.

With the dedication of nationwide planning advocates passionate about the path to reforms that unlock new housing choices — the housing supply will remain at the top of the priority list.

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About the Author
Brenna Donegan is APA's public affairs program manager.

October 4, 2024

By Brenna Donegan