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December 12, 2024
Aiding the Small Farm Evolution
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Small farmers must adapt to survive. How can zoning help? -
April 11, 2024
Planning for Dollar Stores
Uncovering JAPA: Explore the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapid expansion of dollar stores, addressing the issues related to food access and community vitality. -
December 7, 2023
Motorbike Contributions: Enhancing Street Life and the Local Economy
Uncovering JAPA: Slow-moving motorbikes allow for "productive frictions" enhancing interactions between people and the streetscape. -
September 21, 2023
A New Way to Identify Bargain Areas for Child Economic Mobility
Uncovering JAPA: Explore a new way to identify neighborhoods with a more reasonable cost of living that can increase children's economic mobility. -
September 12, 2023
Who’s That Knocking at Your Door?
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: How equitable are your zoning regulations for home occupations? -
May 26, 2023
Building Business Resilience for Minority-Owned Businesses
Uncovering JAPA: Three critical aspects for understanding business resilience in underserved communities. -
March 28, 2023
Understanding the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
Understanding the purpose and history of the Disadvantage Business Enterprise program. -
March 14, 2022
Is Zoning Helping or Hindering Office-to-Housing Conversions?
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Do high office vacancy rates mean that office-to-housing conversions are inevitable? How does zoning affect opportunities for adaptive reuse projects? -
December 21, 2021
Advancing Active Living Through Adaptive Reuse
This blog post provides an overview of adaptive reuse as a planning approach to increase physical activity in small and rural towns. It is part of the Everyday Destinations series. -
December 17, 2021
The Power of Planning in a Remote and Rural Context
The Unangan community of St. George, Alaska, demonstrates the power of planning in a rural and remote community to build a more resilient future. -
June 17, 2021
Big Little Towns: The Growing Reality of Western Gateway Communities
Uncovering JAPA: The changing realities of Western gateway communities. -
June 16, 2021
Renew and Repurpose: How a 100-Year-Old High School is Graduating to a New Life With a Different Group of Seniors
Sponsored Content from RDL Architects: Learn how RDL Architects (RDL), headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, was tasked with renewing an historic school for its latest purpose — a 62-unit affordable senior apartment building. -
February 4, 2021
Does Industrial Preservation Promote Industrial Activity?
Uncovering JAPA: How effective are industrial preservation policies in promoting industrial activity, and can planners use them as an economic development tool? -
August 6, 2020
Lowering Institutional Barriers for Immigrant Entrepreneurs
Uncovering JAPA: How can local planning and policy efforts better support immigrant entrepreneurs? What could cities do to lower barriers for immigrant businesses to thrive? -
May 25, 2016
Aviation and Economic Development Equals Aerotropolis
An exploration of the impact of an aerotropolis as a tool for economic development, sustainability, and growth management.
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