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APA's Planning Consultant Directory is the best place for professional planners to find experts in generalized and specialized areas of planning. Browse our directory of planning consultants to find the perfect partner for your next project.

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Consultant Resources

  • Should I Start a Planning Consulting Firm?

    by: Richard Willson, FAICP
    "A Guide for the Idealist" blog post: Some essential questions to ask yourself to determine your competitive advantage. There are risks involved in going on your own, but also great rewards.
  • Big-Picture Perspective

    A plan means little if it doesn’t get implemented. That’s why planners need to take a holistic view of the process.
    Plan implementation does not begin after publication. It begins in the first moments of the planning process, when someone chooses who will wield power to set priorities and make decisions and who will not.
  • Writing a Better RFP: Get the Team – and the Results! – Your Community Wants

    Consultants can provide you with specialized services, complete a project that city staff can't find the time to start or offer additional services without hiring additional full-time staff. Finding the right consultant can be tricky. However, a well-written RFP makes the task easier and leads to more successful projects.
    Chicago, Illinois
    • John Enos, AICP
    • Sara Kopriva, AICP
    • Bradley Strader, AICP
    • Alissa Torres, FAICP
    • Bobbie Albrecht
    CM | 1.50
  • How to Start a Planning Consulting Firm

    by: Devin Lavigne, FAICP, John Houseal, FAICP
    A viable option for many is to start their firm or become an independent contractor. This is not easy and many planners lack the experience and resources necessary to give it a shot and succeed.
  • Embracing Opportunities for Late Career Planners

    by: Bobbie Albrecht
    For planners retirement may not mean the end to working, but a career and life change. We asked a couple of planners how they are managing the transition.
  • Hiring a Consultant: RFQs and RFPs

    PAS QuickNotes 37
    by: Ann Dillemuth, AICP
    This edition of PAS QuickNotes presents an overview of the process of selecting and retaining a planning consultant through the use of a two-step RFQ/RFP process.
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    APA member & PAS subscriber
  • Ethics and RFPs

    by: Shelby Powell, AICP, David Fields, AICP
    Even before a project is undertaken — when the project is being bid out and proposals received — planners have key ethical responsibilities to consider.
  • Working with Planning Consultants

    PAS Report 573
    by: Eric Kelly       July 01, 2013
    Few planning officials go through the process of hiring a consultant often enough to feel confident in the process. This PAS Report maps out a path from the decision to hire a consultant to the victory lap at its successful completion.
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    APA member & PAS subscriber
  • Advancing the Economic Development Element in Comprehensive Plans

    PAS Memo — January-February 2017
    by: Luis Nunez
    The January/February 2017 issue of PAS Memo highlights some common problems with traditional economic development elements in comprehensive plans and offers guidance on how to improve this element.
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    APA members & PAS subscribers