R.E.D. Priority Bus Lanes Study

NC Capital Area MPO

Raleigh, NC

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is seeking guidance on developing a methodology for determining suitability of transit priority bus lanes or other corridor treatments in the CAMPO area, and a priority list of recommended application of these treatments.  CAMPO is inviting qualified consulting firms or individuals, who are experienced in transit bus lanes assessment and analysis, to submit proposals.

The purpose of the study is to assist the MPO in determining through quantitative analysis which transit corridors could benefit from the application of “R.E.D.” (RED) bus lanes or other bus priority treatments. For the purposes of this study, RED bus priority lanes are defined as roadway lanes treated with red product to identify priority bus lanes that allow right hand turns, emergency response vehicles and driveway access. Other analyzed bus priority treatments and corridor improvements could include transit signal priority (TSP), queue jumps, on-street parking, ITS coordination, and other attainable transit priority measure strategies identified in existing plans.

The study should focus on providing a comprehensive review of best practices for transit priority lanes in peer areas; evaluating the applicability of transit priority lanes in the CAMPO area; and developing and deploying a methodology for evaluating and prioritizing transit priority lane treatments in the CAMPO area.

Completed Proposals are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on Monday, August 27, 2018. This study is anticipated to be completed within an approximate timeframe of twenty (20) months during fiscal years 2019 and 2020 with a Notice to Proceed to be issued by mid October 2018.

Request Type
Monday, August 27, 2018

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