Trails and Recreation Plan

Town of Dover

Dover, VT

Town Representative: Steve Neratko, Economic Development Director.

PO Box 428
102 Route 100
West Dover, VT 05356

(802) 464-5100 x4

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to seek proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional services to the Town of Dover, VT to develop a Trails and Recreation Master Plan that covers the next 25 years. The plan should create a roadmap to guide future decision making and ensuring an appropriate balance of facilities and amenities throughout the community. The Town is seeking a system-wide approach to evaluating trails and recreational venues, facilities and amenities in order to develop goals, policies and guidelines along with achievable strategies to achieve them.

The Town of Dover is home to Mount Snow ski area as well as the Green Mountain National Forest. The Town has completed a number of trails, parks and recreational projects in recent years and the community is interested in developing additional amenities within the Town for residents and visitors alike. The Trails and Recreation Parks and Recreation Master Plan that will be created from this work effort will be used as the resource for future development and redevelopment of the Town’s parks, trails, venues and recreation system over the next twenty five years.

The anticipated schedule for the RFP is as follows:

RFP Available: December 4, 2018

Deadline for questions: December 21, 2018

Proposal Submissions Due: January 14, 2019 

Review and Interviews: January and February 2019 

Award by Select Board: February 2019

Action Plan:

The Town of Dover’s intent is for this Trails and Recreation Master Plan is to establish the direction for trails and recreation expenditures and functions based on a 25 year planning horizon. The Master Plan is intended to take a big picture look at the Town’s potential, rather than simply reaffirming current goals and priorities. The Town requires an implementation plan that outlines short term projects (0-3 years) to begin today, mid term projects (3-10 years) that the Town needs to begin to plan for, and long term projects (10-25 years) that the Town would like to strive towards.

The consultants hired shall use a comprehensive public planning process during the preparation of this Master Plan, including, but not limited to, surveys, public meetings, workshops and stakeholder meetings. This community input will be utilized to create the framework needed for future planning of projects and programs.

The consultant team shall work with the Town, the Select Board, the Economic Development Department, the Planning Commission, the Trails Committee, the Venue Work Group and residents, land and business owners, and visitors to develop the Master Plan, The consultant shall prepare a draft plan, utilizing information gained throughout this process, and present it to the community throughout a variety of means. The consultant shall than make appropriate revisions prior to the Select Board approving it and the final plan being presented to the community.

Master Plan Presentation and Format:

  1. Draft and Final Plans will be presented to:
    A. Steering Committee
    B. Trails Committee and Venue Work Group
    C. Select Board
    D. Public Work Shop

  2. Master Plan Format

    A. Statement of Goals and Objectives
    B. Summary of Existing Conditions / Inventory
    C. Action Plan
    D. Charts, Graphs, Maps and Other Data
    E. Conceptual Site Plans / Drawings / Renderings

  3. Final Deliverables
    A. An email attached electronic copy of the Master Plan
    B. One copy on a flash drive
    C. Ten hard copies Action Plan Scope of Work:

Master Plan Scope of Work:

I. Inventory
A. Identify and assess current system of trails and recreational areas / venues.

1. Usage patterns and preferences.

  1. Identify and assess current programming and operations.

  2. Identify publicly owned land that is available and possible uses.

  3. Identify privately owned land that may be of an interest and possible uses.

  1. Needs Assessment

    1. Identify community needs and desires

      1. Residents

      2. Second Homeowners

      3. Business Owners

      4. Tourists / Visitors

    2. Public Involvement

      1. Surveys

      2. Public Meetings - Steering Committee, Trails Committee, Venue Work Group, Select Board, Youth Steering Committee, Public Open House

    3. Demographic Analysis - analyze current and future users of our recreational system.

    4. Evaluation of current and future operations, programming, maintenance.

  2. Visioning

A. Gaps Analysis - between existing inventory and future needs of Trails, Parks, Venue and Open Space

  1. Strategize opportunities for public-private partnerships.

  2. Prioritize demand and opportunities.

  3. Provide recommendations on future development and redevelopment.

a) Prioritize short term and long term projects and property acquisitions.

  1. Provide recommendations on operations, programming and maintenance.

  2. Develop multiple alternative conceptual site plans and renderings for

    properties and potential projects.

B. Implementation Plan

IV. Financial Plan

A. Cost estimates for acquiring property.
B. Cost estimates for improvements to current or new facilities. C. Cost estimates for operations, programming and maintenance. D. Identify opportunities for funding alternatives.


All questions or requests for additional information must reference the above proposal name and must be submitted by 12:00 PM on December 21st, to Steve Neratko, Economic Development Director. Emailed questions or inquiries shall be submitted to Questions and answers will be issued to all interested, in the form of an addendum and placed on the Town’s website. No contact regarding the project is permitted between those interested in submitting a proposal and any other Town staff or elected official until after award, except through the Economic Development Office. Please contact Steve Neratko, Economic Development Director at (802)464-5100 ext 4.

Proposal Requirements:

Proposal shall contain the following information in the order listed:

Technical Proposal

  1. Signed Letter of Interest

  2. Statement of Objectives, Goals an Tasks

  3. Firm Background, Experience and Qualifications

  4. Key Personnel and their involvement in our planning process

  5. Work Plan

  6. Timeline / Schedule

Cost Proposal A. Budget


The Town of Dover Trails and Recreation Plan Steering Committee, consisting of members of the Trails Committee, Venue Work Group, and the Select Board, will evaluate proposals and select a short list of consultants to interview. This evaluation will consist of

  1. Project Understanding

  2. Scope of Work

  3. Qualifications / Experience

  4. Timeline / Schedule

  5. Budget / Cost

  6. References


Consultants interested in this project should submit six (6) hard copies of their proposal, as well as an digital emailed version as follows. It must be received by no later than 2:00 PM on Friday, January 14th 2019. Proposals and/or modifications received after this time will not be accepted or reviewed.

Steve Neratko | Director of Economic Development Town of Dover P.O. Box 428 | 102 Route 100
West Dover, VT 05356
802.464.5100 x4

Technical and cost proposals must be submitted in separate, sealed envelopes or packages with the following information clearly printed on the outside:

Name and address of prime consultant
Due date and time
Envelope contents (technical or cost proposal) Project name

No facsimile-machine produced proposals will be accepted. All proposals upon submission become the property of the Town of Dover. The expense of preparing and submitting a proposal is the sole responsibility of the consultant.

The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP as in the best interest of the Town. This solicitation in no way obligates the Town to award a contract.

Proposals should be double-sided and on recycled paper, if possible, twin pocket portfolios or other simple, re-usable binding method is recommended. Do not use non- recyclable plastic sheeting. Electronic versions (pdf) emailed to are required but will not count towards meeting the submission deadline.

Request Type
Monday, January 14, 2019