Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Data Platform

Lane Council of Governments (on behalf of the Oregon MPO Consortium)

Eugene, OR

Lane Council of Governments

On behalf of the Oregon MPO Consortium (OMPOC)

859 Willamette Street, Suite 500, Eugene, OR 97405-2910

Request For Information (RFI)

Solicitation Number: 2019-WG01

Date of Issue: April 11, 2019

RFI Title: Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Data Platform

Purpose of RFI: The Oregon MPO Consortium (OMPOC) requests information regarding development of a multi-agency Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) data platform that would allow participating agencies to manage their TIPs in a consistent and efficient format.



1.01 Purpose of the RFI

OMPOC is soliciting information from potential bidders for the creation of a unified online data platform to manage the distinct Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) of multiple Oregon MPOs.

The information, data, comments, or reactions obtained may be used as research for a future solicitation. This RFI does not constitute an Invitation for Bid or Request for Proposal.

An OMPOC Work Group will review all responses received. If OMPOC decides to issue a solicitation for commodities or services, the procurement will be conducted in accordance with Oregon State Procurement laws, rules and guidelines.

1.02 Contact and Response Information

Please submit responses to by the deadline specified in the RFI Schedule. Please reference the Solicitation Number and Title. You may submit your response in person, by mail, or by email to the procurement officer at:


Lane Council of Governments
Attention: Daniel Callister
Solicitation Number: 2019-WG01
859 Willamette Street, Suite 500
Eugene, OR 97401-2910

1.03 Deadline for Submissions

Submissions of responses will be accepted through June 7, 2019.

1.04 Questions and Requests for Clarification

Please direct any questions or requests for clarification to the procurement officer by the deadline for submission of responses identified in 1.03.

1.04 Questions and Requests for Clarification

Please direct any questions or requests for clarification to the procurement officer by the deadline for submission of responses identified in 1.03.

This RFI and any related amendment and notices will be posted at:

Vendors may request to receive notices related to this RFI by contacting the procurement officer in writing with the following information: RFI title, business name, contact person, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.

1.05 Respondents Responsible for All Preparation Costs

Respondents are responsible for all costs associated with the preparation, submittal, and presentation of their response to this RFI.



2.01 Goal and Background Information

The Oregon Metropolitan Planning Organization Consortium (OMPOC) is soliciting information from potential bidders for the creation of an online data platform to manage the distinct Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) for multiple Oregon MPOs.

Federal law requires MPOs and State DOT's to maintain a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), a fiscally constrained schedule of federally funded and regionally significant transportation projects covering a period of at least four years. It is a multimodal list of projects that includes highway, bridge, rail, bus, signal synchronizations, intersection improvements, bicycle and pedestrian projects, and other transportation-related activities. The State's TIP (STIP) is required to be consistent with the MPO's TIPs, which can be challenging due to the constantly changing project details. Currently, each of Oregon's MPOs as well as the State DOT maintain their TIPs in different ways utilizing several different formats and platforms with varying levels of complexity, which further complicates the challenge of maintaining consistency.

In early 2016, two MPOs in Oregon (Metro and Central Lane MPO) discussed the need for a replacement to their current TIP data management systems that were slowly aging out and becoming defunct. Other Oregon MPOs expressed a need for a more capable tool to manage their TIPs and associated data. In Fall 2016, a representative from an innovative software developer provided an overview and demonstration of a web-based tool developed specifically for managing TIP/STIP data. It was recognized by ODOT, FHWA, and some MPOs that there could be efficiencies gained in using a shared online data platform for MPO TIPs, which would benefit not only the participating MPOs, but also ODOT, FHWA, FTA, and others. In early 2018, OMPOC approved a work plan to develop a needs analysis for a tool that meets the needs of the MPO's, ODOT, FHWA and FTA. A work group of potential stakeholders was formed to determine if a statewide solution is feasible. This is seen as a good opportunity to also increase transparency of programming and project tracking processes in the State of Oregon (especially of federal funding programs,) improve inter-agency communication and achieve efficiencies through improved data entry methods and data exchange technologies, and provide useful tools for local agencies and other stakeholders including the public.

The Oregon STIP is currently maintained via an online data platform developed by ODOT. While ODOT is supportive of a unified platform for TIP maintenance, because of the effort and expense involved in the development of the STIP platform, and its continued usefulness for ODOT's needs, ODOT is not interested at this time in utilizing a new platform for the STIP. As a result, it is imperative that the new TIP platform be able to communicate with outside data platforms that are updated regularly and maintained by a third party.

Since the MPOs in Oregon vary in size and technical needs as relates to their respective TIPs, a successful unified statewide TIP platform would need to be scalable to suit each MPO's needs.

Specific features of interest include:

Long-term sustainable TIP platform

  • Web-based access for all users (including partner agencies and public)
  • Ability to set different access and security levels for different users
  • Ability to interface directly with separate databases
  • Ability to apply future technology updates and improvements
  • Ability to update for future changes to federal requirements

TIP Project Information Management

  • Provide required project data fields (23 CFR 450.326)
  • Provide additional data fields identified by stakeholders, such as CMAQ emissions, cultural/historic/environment impacts, etc.
  • Provide ability to upload/access support documentation
  • GIS-based mapping function (ability to import/manage/report) or ability to interface with ESRI

TIP Funding/Revenue Tracking

  • Provide revenue fields to track federal, state, local and other funds
  • Set required match ratios on fund types for forecasts, authorized/appropriated amounts, ability to customize
  • Include ability to track obligations and carry-over amounts
  • Access to real-time Financial Management Information System (FMIS) and Transit Award Management System (TrAMS) data.
  • Ability to track and report on-going fund balances

User Friendly & Public Friendly TIP Website

  • Consistent dashboards and websites for Oregon MPO's
  • Provide project search on map
  • Provide project search by name, location, type, etc.
  • Provide dynamic searches (ex: list all ADA projects in City X for years Y)
  • Public query tool
  • Public comment tool
  • Provide drill down features in queries and reports
  • Provide built-in tutorials

Automated Amendment Process

  • Provide ability to request amendments and submit data online
  • Amendment tracking (pending, in progress, submitted, approved)
  • Amendment history
  • Automated amendment approvals
  • Automated update to TIP
  • Automated amendment descriptions for project/programming changes

Project Tracking

  • TIP project monitoring/lifecycle (project status, map, scope, limits, funding)
  • Project tracking/project delivery tool and interface to TIP
  • Project Milestone monitoring and reporting

Automated Report Generation

  • TIP project monitoring/lifecycle (project status, map, scope, limits, funding)
  • 4 Year TIP Programming Reports (public friendly)
  • 4 Year Fiscal Constraint Reports (demonstrate ongoing financial constraint)
  • Monthly & Annual Amendment Reports (public friendly)
  • Monthly & Annual Obligation Reports (ODOT/FHWA/FTA)
  • 3 year rolling average obligation rate

Automated Data Exchange with Partner Agencies

  • Import/export/upload project data and docs
  • Import/export/upload project amendment data and docs
  • Import/export/upload project obligation data and docs
  • Populate both TIP and STIP with 1 manual entry

Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Project Tracking Tool

  • Interface to TIP
  • RTP scoring and ranking based on criteria
  • Submission, inclusion and maintenance of RTP projects
  • RTP project verification capability at time of MTIP programming
  • Conformity and modeling requirements
  • RTP financial plan
  • RTP project mapping ability
  • RTP performance monitoring

Additional Features/Modules

  • Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) project tracking tool and interface to TIP
  • Link TIP projects to federal performance measures & adopted targets
  • Call for Projects module that would populate the TIP

2.02 Information Requesting

Respondents will provide the following information:

  1. a description of their proposed platform solution and its features, especially as they relate to specific features of interest listed in 2.01.
  2. a description of how the solution will interact with outside platforms.
  3. a description of the ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities.
  4. a rough timeline for implementation.
  5. a description of payment terms (one-time, subscription-based, etc.)
  6. an explanation of the data ownership terms.
  7. agency qualifications, including agency background, how long in the industry, number of staff, and clients served.



3.01 Response Preparation Instructions

Respondents are asked to provide a response in the following format:

A. Introduction

Please provide:

  1. Contact name, phone number, and email
  2. Business name, address, and phone number

B. Technical Response

Provide response to the information requested in 2.02. Please respond in the order the information is listed, numbering each section 1 – 7 to correspond with the information requested. Limit responses to not more than 20 pages in 8.5" x 11" format. Digital submissions will be in PDF format with the same limitations.

C. Cost Estimate

Respondents are asked to provide estimated costs to help OMPOC understand acquisition and on-going costs.

Any cost estimates requested are for budgeting purposes only. Responders will not be held to price estimates provided as part of the RFI should OMPOC later decide to issue a competitive solicitation.

Request Type
Friday, June 7, 2019

Contact Information

Contact Email