Corridor Revitalization Plan

Town of Westerly

Westerly, RI


Terms and Conditions for the Request for Proposal, Background Information and Reference material can be found at RFP 2021-055 Consultant Services

BIDS ARE DUE and MUST BE SUBMITTED on the BID FORM, Attachments B, NO LATER THAN 11:00 a.m., EST, Tuesday, October 5, 2021. A Bid submitted on other than the attached BID BREAKDOWN FORM may be rejected. Envelopes containing bids must be sealed and addressed to the Purchasing Department, 2nd Floor office, Westerly Town Hall, 45 Broad St., Westerly, RI 02891 and must be clearly marked with the Name and Address of Bidder, Bid Due Date and Time, and RFQ Number and Title. Bidders must include one original, one copy and a Digital (soft) copy for Public Use on CD or flash drive of the Bid as further defined in the Instruction to Bidders. This project will begin upon contract and should be completed before September 21, 2022.


Tasks are outlined numerically while subtasks are outlined under each main task. The Consultant shall not be permitted to engage in work related to each task until given written permission from the Town of Westerly Department of Development Services to proceed.


Existing Conditions Assessment

  1. Develop report on existing conditions that contains:
    1. Existing uses of corridor properties by Zoning Use Category and Use Code
    2. Existing zoning designations
    3. Land ownership patterns
    4. Building/lot condition, including age, condition, occupancy/vacancy status, property value, and development potential
    5. Approved and proposed development and rehabilitation projects
    6. Current conditions and capacity of infrastructure, including sewer, water, electricity, wireless and broadband
    7. Transportation and transit, including trains, buses, and airport; sidewalks, crosswalks, street widths, parking areas, bicycle access, curb cut locations; public transportation routes and schedules.
    8. Cultural and civic assets (schools, parks, libraries, museums, cultural institutions, community centers, conservation and open space, recreation centers, etc.) and relationship between assets in the Route One Corridor and the Town in general
    9. Environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, wildlife habitat and aquifer & wellhead protection)
  2. Develop maps illustrating existing conditions to aide in understanding
  3. Review and summarize previous plans, redevelopment efforts, and community goals.
  4. Describe regulatory and other impediments to proposed economic revitalization.
  5. Conduct site visits to document existing conditions and verify other items from the assessment outlined above.


Route One Corridor Plan

  1. Develop a draft detailed outline of the plan and include list of possible ordinance/regulation changes.
  2. Produce a refined detailed outline of the draft plan based on feedback from staff and key partners.
  3. Produce a first draft of the plan and associated illustrative graphics. The plan shall include, at a minimum, conclusions and recommendations on:
    1. Community goals, policies and actions and specific strategies to achieve them;
    2. A market analysis of the area focusing on type and quality of businesses and housing essential to the continued vitality of the local and regional workforce and economy, based on existing and projected demographic, housing and economic trends, needs, and other factors. Demographics information shall be based on existing reports and readily available information.
    3. Economic impact of new development and infrastructure strategies (pro & con) and include potential modifications that could alter economic impact if strategies are not implemented;
    4. Identification of catalyst, high priority underutilized or vacant properties for infill development or rehabilitation and strategies for redevelopment or rehabilitation of site;
    5. Recommendations for area improvements that are needed including public infrastructure investments (including but not limited to streetscape improvements, landscaping improvements, sewer and water extension, wifi and broadband, public transportation investments, circulation and access, etc.);
    6. Specific zoning and other ordinance updates needed to achieve the community's goals;
    7. Recommendations for promoting sustainable economic growth, providing housing opportunity, creating a pedestrian friendly environment, improving public transit, and reducing dependence on driving;
    8. Urban design graphics, including at a minimum:
      1. An illustrative plan of the entire project area showing potential build out of underutilized and vacant properties and public infrastructure investments;
      2. Representative illustrations showing key locations in the Project Area; and
      3. Other images as necessary to communicate the vision.
    9. Alternative financing recommendations, including feasibility of strategies such as tax increment financing (TIF) and real estate property tax phase-in.
  4. Produce a refined draft plan based on feedback from ROCC and staff and present this revised draft to the community at a public meeting.
  5. Produce a final draft plan based on feedback from the public and stakeholders.
  6. Prepare recommended changes to ordinances/regulations to implement the Town's vision and achieve Comprehensive Plan Goals.


Community and Stakeholder Engagement

  1. Small group interviews. Conduct up to six interview sessions (mix of virtual and in-person) with community partners and key stakeholders to gather information for preparation of the Route One Corridor Plan.
  2. Early planning public informational meeting hosted by consultant. Set up, coordinate, and facilitate one hybrid information and listening session of community partners and stakeholders in the Route One corridor early in the process. Meeting materials (including flyers, sign in sheets, presentations, boards, handouts, etc.) and meeting minutes/notes shall be prepared by the Consultant. The Town shall set up virtual meeting links and invites for public meetings. The Consultant shall provide staff to set up, run, and clean up the public meeting.
  3. Public workshop on draft Route One Corridor Plan hosted by EDC and Planning Board. A work session following public meeting protocols will be organized by the EDC and Planning Board once a draft Route One Corridor Redevelopment Plan has been created to gather community feedback.


  1. Prepare and submit Monthly Progress Reports along with each invoice that outline work-hours and costs expended for each task and subtask and a statement as to whether sufficient work-hours remain to complete the effort as proposed. Payment invoices shall be processed only if the required Monthly Progress Reports are current.
  2. Conduct an in-person kick-off meeting with the Route One Corridor Committee (ROCC) and Town officials to initiate the project.
  3. Submit subsets of draft materials and conduct bi-weekly check in calls/working sessions with ROCC and Town staff during the project.

PROJECTED SCHEDULE (with specific markers)

  1. Community partners & stakeholders meeting facilitated by the consultant – Nov 2021
  2. Existing conditions assessment and draft detailed outline of the plan and possible ordinance/regulation changes reviewed with committee- Mid-Dec 2021
  3. First draft of the plan and associated illustrative graphics reviewed with committee – Feb 2022
  4. Refined draft plan and ordinance/regulation changes based on feedback from staff and present this revised draft to the Planning Board and EDC at a public work session. – March 2022
  5. A work session organized by the EDC and Planning Board once a draft Route One Corridor Redevelopment Plan has been created to gather further community feedback. – May 2022
  6. Recommendation by the Planning Board and EDC to the Town Council on the final draft plan and changes to ordinances/regulations implementing the Town's vision and economic strategies for the Route One Corridor in July 2022.
  7. Town Council lead work sessions and public hearing prior to adoption anticipated for August 2022.

Request Type
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Contact Information

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