General Plan Update

City of Marina Community Development Dept.

Marina, CA

Preparation of the General Plan

The comprehensive General Plan update must include a robust public engagement program that engages all sectors of the City's population in this planning effort; a program that identifies the community values and translates those values into a community vision out to the year 2045. The General Plan update must also identify how the community's vision and values will be implemented through the General Plan update document. A General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) is expected to be formed and utilized as the common thread throughout the update process.

The General Plan update must address what land use opportunities should be explored based on requests received from property owners, compatibility, and strategic locations that will promote revenue development and enhancement. The GPU will consider creating a Sphere of Influence (SOI) in compliance with the policies of the Monterey County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) for the eventual annexation of the East Campus and East Garrison developments as well as a review of the City's existing Planning Area and Urban Growth Boundaries. The update should also address how current and future technological breakthroughs, such as telecommuting, video conferencing, driverless cars, same-day retail delivery, etc. might affect the livability of the Marina community and how infrastructure, parking lots, and community access might be affected. Due to the nature of the former Fort Ord community's ownership configuration, there are limitations in circulation and connectivity. In addition, the update will need to address all State directives including legislation adopted pertaining to General Plans since 2000, including but not limited to Climate Change and Environmental Justice.

All Elements will require a comprehensive update vs. reformatting, not only for creating a General Plan that reads as one document and is in clearer conformance with OPR Guidelines, but also a General Plan completed within budget. For these reasons, it is anticipated that the Comprehensive General Plan will not follow the form of the 2000 General Plan. The General Plan update will include all newly established Elements since the last update in addition to the following elements: Environmental Justice, Air Quality, Equitable and Resilient Communities, Hazard Mitigation, Water, Wastewater and Watershed Planning, Healthy Communities, Climate Change, Public Art, Capital Improvements, Energy, Historic District Preservation, California Main Street Program, Multi-Modal (i.e. Active) Transportation, Public Parks, Buildings and Facilities, Community Character and a Community and Economic Development Element. The City is open to suggestions for other Elements that the Consultant believes would be of value in producing a General Plan that reflects the needs of the community.

The Comprehensive General Plan update should result in a graphic and illustrative document, written in a manner that allows for flexibility rather than rigid policies. The Consultant is strongly encouraged to recommend an approach or vision for this project that will result in an innovative, user-friendly General Plan document.

Environmental Analysis

The Consultant shall be responsible for all CEQA work on the General Plan Update. Any resulting mitigation measures shall be accompanied by a mitigation monitoring program prepared by the Consultant. The Consultant shall prepare a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the work contemplated in the RFP in accordance with the latest procedural and substantive requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The EIR shall encompass the geographic area to include current City limits, and the proposed General Plan boundary and proposed Sphere of Influence surrounding Marina. Timing for the preparation of the General Plan update and the EIR shall be overlapping so that the information collection can be used for both documents. This will ensure the preparation of both documents will be parallel and consistent.

The Consultant shall be responsible for any and all procedural steps, including (but not limited to), the preparation of public notices, AB 52 & SB 18 Consultation, Notifications, Resolutions, Ordinances, Initial Study, Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Notice of Determination, Filing Notices with County Offices, Filing Notices with the State Clearinghouse, providing notices to local and state agencies as needed, Statement of Overriding Considerations (if necessary), Facts and Findings and Responses to Comments. The Consultant shall also be responsible for scheduling and conducting scoping meetings. The scoping meeting shall include either meeting individually with or soliciting comments from all responsible, affected and trustee agencies in order to identify and discuss issues, actions, alternatives, potential and significant environmental effects and potential mitigation measures.

The Consultant will prepare technical support reports, appendices, including but not limited to traffic modeling, geotechnical, biological, air quality, noise, GHG emission reductions, and archeological reports. The City shall review and approve all documents prior to distribution by the Consultant. Policy and implementation programs shall be assessed for their impacts and mitigation measures shall be identified.

The EIR shall reference pertinent analysis of the General Plan sufficient to allow for enactment of future development in the City. Cumulative and growth inducing impacts shall also be included in specific sections of the document; the EIR shall consider full "build-out" of the General Plan. A technical appendix clearly identifying all supporting documents shall be part of the EIR.

A Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Program shall be prepared pursuant to CEQA. This document shall be a separately bound document from the EIR. The Consultant shall develop recommended implementation measures appropriate for each element and also identify the appropriate party responsible for implementation, monitoring, capital costs and confirmation of implementation. Recommendations shall be developed for a mitigation monitoring system designed to ensure accomplishment of the General Plan goals.

Request Type
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

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