Comprehensive Plan

City of Tipp City

Tipp City, OH



The City of Tipp City is requesting proposals from qualified to update the City's Comprehensive Plan.


The City of Tipp City, Ohio is located in Monroe Township, Miami County, Ohio, and encompasses approximately 7 square miles of land area in west-central Ohio. Tipp City is located approximately fourteen (14) miles north of downtown Dayton and is bisected by Interstate 75. I-70 is six (6) miles south of Tipp City on I-75. Tipp City's population is approximately 10,400.


Tipp City's most recent Comprehensive Plan was adopted February 6th, 2017 and can be downloaded at:




The Request for Proposal seeks to establish a partnership with the qualified consultant to conduct the City's Comprehensive Plan Update. The Plan should define a vision for the community. Staff will finalize the scope with the selected consultant prior to contract authorization. The City is open to suggestions other than those listed in this proposal, which consultants believe would be of value to producing the best Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Tipp City.

The Plan shall outline development and/or redevelopment strategies that consider preferred future land use patterns and the infrastructure improvements required to support such land use patterns. Economic, social and environmental impacts should be addressed as well. The implementation strategies shall identify projects that should be pursued to implement the goals of the Plan.

The proposal shall contain a schedule of anticipated tasks. It is expected that the project will be completed in approximately twelve months.


Citizen Participation

The Comprehensive Plan process shall be structured to maximize citizen involvement and participation. The consultant will be responsible for designing a public participation strategy. The consultant is encouraged to propose a process that is both creative and interactive for soliciting input from a diverse participant pool.

Demographics and Socioeconomics

The Plan should reflect current and projected demographic and socioeconomic trends and their implications on land use patterns and public services planning. The consultant should endeavor to obtain current and accurate demographic and socioeconomic data upon which policy recommendations will be based.

Existing Land Use

The Plan shall incorporate a visual and narrative depiction of the residential, commercial, and industrial land use and development within the City (including annexations) that has occurred since the Plan was last updated in 2017.

Future Land Use

The Plan should include a proposed land use map as well as policies and recommendations pertaining to future land use both inside and outside of the current city limits. The Comprehensive Plan should prepare a land use capacity analysis that will help direct growth and redevelopment within the City.

Community Character and Urban Design

The Plan shall set out policies that address community gateways, community image, integration of major roadway corridors, and the preservation of community attributes.

Housing and Neighborhood

The housing element provides an opportunity to set policy direction relative to the range of housing products offered in Tipp City and to address housing affordability, diversity, and density.


The Plan should evaluate the City's existing transportation system (vehicles, pedestrian, bikes, etc.) independently and integrally as part of the regional and state wide system.

Economic Development

The Plan shall address a range of policies that preserve and strengthen business and commerce in the City.

Parks and Open Space

The Plan shall integrate existing parks and open spaces, Great Miami River trail connectivity, and park accessibility

Public Facilities and Utilities

The Plan shall address a wide range of governmental services including infrastructure. Goals should address maintaining the high standards of public safety and crime prevention in the City.

Annexation Plan

The Plan shall identify City policy on annexation and provide goal statements.

Uptown Planning Area

The Plan shall provide an emphasis on the development of the "Uptown" district. This new planning area is a current focus of City Council as well as local citizens. In general, the uptown district is located along the Main Street commercial corridor proximate to the I-75 Exit #68 interchange from approximately Garber Drive (Tipp City Plaza) on the east, to just beyond County Road 25A on the west.

The City recognizes that this area serves as the entry point into Tipp City, and desires that the area reflect high quality, innovative site design, efficient land usage, and development standards which will encourage capital investments.


  • The Comprehensive Plan format shall consist of both text (Microsoft Word) in an 8 1/2" by 11" three ring binder format. Maps shall be produced in ArcPro format of 36" by 60", with the capability of being legibly reduced to 11" by 17" for inclusion into the binder. The consultant shall deliver the draft and final documents in both hard copy and electronic formats to allow for reproduction, revision, and direct web posting.
  • Prepare Key Plan Element drafts for citizens and Planning Board review.
  • Digitize new maps, input data, and create new GIS layers, and incorporate selected maps from existing work products to produce GIS maps.
  • Prepare Comprehensive Plan.
  • Produce all materials for public presentations.
  • Provide digital, web ready updates and drafts of the Plan for posting on the City's website.
  • Produce final copies for approval and adoption by the City Council.
  • Provide the City with a reproducible hard and soft copy of the adopted Plan.
    • Digital documents and maps shall be easily editable and provided in the following file formats:
      • Text and maps shall be provided in Adobe PDF.
      • Text shall be provided in Microsoft Word.
      • Maps shall be provided as ArcPro compatible.
  • All final maps and source data files will be provided to the City.


The overall timeline for the development of the Comprehensive Plan will be twelve months (not including the adoption process). As a submittal requirement, the applicant will submit a project schedule showing key task target dates, including public meetings and hearings and estimated task duration. Variations from the City's intended timeline should be discussed in the RFP.


For the purpose of this proposal, the basis of the total budget is on the required tasks identified in your proposal and in the draft work program. The budget should include all anticipated consultant's costs. The final consultant selection and proposed budget will be presented to City Council for approval. The City anticipates a budgetary expenditure for this project of $100,000.



Proposals will be considered only from qualified firms with a preference to firms that are based in Ohio and familiar with Ohio laws.


Limit the total length of the proposal to fifteen (15) pages maximum. The content of the proposal shall include:

  1. Letter of Transmittal;
  2. Executive Summary;
  3. Brief organizational profile, including background and experience of the firm;
  4. Previous project summaries, including reference contact information, for a minimum of three (3) projects;
  5. Proposed Operation Plan including an explanation of technical approaches and a detailed outline;
  6. Project Schedule: The amount of time in months, and as a percentage of total workload, for each component of the citizen participation program; the individual elements of the Comprehensive Plan; the map production program; and the preparation of the draft and final versions of the Comprehensive Plan;
  7. Project management including:
    1. Project organizational chart including key staff to be assigned
    2. Location of office from which the management of the project will be performed
    3. Summary/matrix of key personnel's shared project experience
  8. Cost Estimate: The consultant will provide a detailed cost estimate for completing the entire project;
  9. Appendices (not counted toward the 15 page requirement.).

Proposals shall bear the following information on the outside of the packaging:


Three paper copies and one digital copy (email or CD) of the proposals are required. The proposals shall be retained by the City of Tipp City and will not be returned.


Proposals will be accepted at:

Tipp City Government Center
260 S. Garber Drive
Tipp City, Ohio 45371

Attn: Matthew Spring

Deadline: Proposals must be received by 6PM on November 21st, 2024.

Proposals may be delivered in person, by U.S. Postal Service, or by private carrier/courier. Proposals may not be faxed to the City.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Matt Spring directly at 937-506-3172, or at




The proposal evaluation and selection criteria are as follows:

  1. A high level of professional competence and a proven record of accomplishment in the preparation of zoning codes, subdivision codes, zoning map creation, general plans, specific plans, and the implementation of public participation programs.
  2. Demonstration of professional, technical, and legal expertise and experience of the principal personnel assigned to the project.
  3. Relative proximity/location of the consultant team(s) office headquarters to the City of Tipp City, anticipating a high level of direct interaction and communication with City staff and/or public officials will occur.
  4. Public facilitation capabilities and experience working with the public, as well as citizen committees, in diplomatically crafting standards and/or criteria to be incorporated into the work products.
  5. The proposal should clearly demonstrate the firm's understanding of the City's overall objectives in the comprehensive plan update process.
  6. Ability to produce high quality documents and graphics that are user friendly.
  7. Ability to make high quality oral and visual presentations.
  8. Ability to listen, be flexible, and follow and/or implement direction and/or ideas or concepts.
  9. How the consultant team interacts with the public, city staff, and public officials.
  10. Ability of consultant team to demonstrate initiative, motivation, and knowledge of the City of Tipp City.
  11. Cost of preparing the comprehensive plan update in relationship to the services offered.
  12. Ability to complete the project within the required timeframe (12 months).
  13. Review of references and work product.


Members from the Community Development Department and the Office of the City Manager will review submitted proposals and interview firms or consulting teams with the top proposals. This group will select and recommend the top qualified firm or consulting team to the City Council for final approval. At any phase, the City reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or modify this selection process; reject any or all submittals at any time; and waive any informalities, irregularities, or omissions in submittals, in the best interests of the City.




The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any nonmaterial irregularities or information in any RFP, and to accept or reject any item or combination of items.


The City reserves the right to inspect and investigate the business reputation, or other qualifications, of any firm and to reject any proposal, irrespective of quoted prices, if it is determined to be lacking in any of the essentials necessary to assure acceptable standards of performance. The City reserves the right to obtain financial data or other supplemental information concerning the firm and/or its subcontractors. Proposals submitted in response to the Request for Proposals shall constitute a binding offer. Acknowledgement shall be indicated by the original signature of a Principal legally authorized to execute contractual obligations and shall also signify acceptance of all terms and conditions including compensation, as set forth in the Request for Proposals. The firm shall identify clearly and thoroughly any variations between its proposal and the City's Request for Proposals. Failure to do so shall be deemed a waiver of any rights to subsequently modify the terms and/or conditions.

Request Type
Thursday, November 21, 2024

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