Housing Assessment Study

Johnson County

Johnson County, IA

For complete RFP, please see the PDF posted at https://www.johnsoncountyiowa.gov/sites/default/files/2024-10/RFP_HOUSING_Johnson%20County_IA_10.21.2024%20FINAL.pdf

Or consult the website johnsoncountyiowa.gov/bids-and-proposals, which is where questions and answers will be posted.

The following information is only the notice and Section1. "Introduction and Background" of the RFP.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN proposals will be accepted for a detailed, technical, and actionable housing study. Emailed proposals must be received by the Johnson County Planning, Development and Sustainability (PDS) Department no later than noon (12 p.m.) CT on DECEMBER 20, 2024. Please email all proposals in a digital (PDF) format to Josh Busard, PDS Director, at jbusard@johnsoncountyiowa.gov. The email subject line must contain the phrase "Housing Assessment Study" and should identify the firm making the proposal.

Johnson County ("County") reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive technicalities or irregularities, abandon or change the RFP process, and to enter into such contract as it shall deem to be in the best interest of the County.



Johnson County, Iowa, has requested a scope of services and cost proposal for a housing assessment study with feasible and practicable recommendations that can be implemented for the unincorporated area of Johnson County and the six small, incorporated cities within the county, excluding the metro area consisting of the cities of Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin and University Heights (hereafter "metro area"). The study is expected to commence no later than June 1, 2025.

Study Area

The areas to be analyzed include the unincorporated area of Johnson County and the six smaller incorporated cities (hereafter, "small cities"): Hills, Lone Tree, Oxford, Shueyville, Solon and Swisher. The unincorporated area includes several manufactured / mobile home parks and the traditional villages including the larger villages of Frytown, Joetown, and Cosgrove and six smaller villages. The manufactured / mobile home parks and village areas must be included in the study.

Particular attention must be given to the manufactured / mobile home parks in the unincorporated area. The manufactured / mobile home parks within the metro area should also be included in the County's study only if they are not sufficiently analyzed in other recent studies or the housing assessment study that the City of Iowa City is expected to complete by spring 2025 (more information is provided below about Iowa City's forthcoming study).

Study Need and Purpose

One of the priorities in the Johnson County comprehensive plan is equitable access to safe and affordable housing. This priority includes addressing the need for affordable housing supply and improving the quality and safety of existing and future housing for residents.

Request Type
Friday, December 20, 2024