Long-Range Plan & Travel Demand Model Update

Memphis MPO

Memphis, TN

Shelby County Government (the "County") is soliciting proposals from interested and qualified Vendors to provide professional services for the development of Memphis MPO's 2055 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and update of the Travel Demand Model (TDM). The Plan will guide the selection and implementation of transportation projects across all modes within the MPO Study Area in Tennessee and Mississippi for the next 25+ years, and the update of the TDM will ensure that the latest data is used in the plan development.

The task will include overseeing the production and formatting of all components and contents of the 2055 RTP, developing a robust and inclusive public participation strategy, developing a performance measure-based planning approach, assessing existing and future conditions of the multimodal transportation system, and determining constraints/needs, performing analysis of the existing transportation network using land use and travel demand modeling information, performing air quality conformity analysis and coordinating and developing a fiscally constrained plan.

Additionally, the selected consultant or consultant team will update the base year of the Travel Demand Model using the latest data and will ensure that the updated model meets the model approval guidelines.

This Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") is being released to invite interested and qualified Vendors to prepare and submit proposals in accordance with the instructions provided, where the successful proposer(s) will be selected and invited to enter into a contractual relationship with Shelby County for the Goods and/or Services outlined in this RFQ, and per proposal(s) received.

All correspondence and questions concerning the RFQ are to be submitted IN WRITING to:

Candace Jackson, Buyer
Shelby County Government, Purchasing Department
160 N. Main Street, 5th Floor
Memphis, TN 38103

The deadline for submitting questions will be Friday, December 27, 2024 @ 12:00 p.m. (CST).

All proposals must be received at the above address by 4:00 p.m. (CST) on Thursday, January 16, 2025.

Below is the link to the RFQ

Request Type
Thursday, January 16, 2025