Access, Circulation, and Parking Study
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission
Peoria, IL
The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC) seeks to collaborate with a qualified firm to provide professional services to conduct an Access, Circulation, and Parking Study for the Peoria Heights Central Business District to address perceived shortages in public parking, promote efficient and orderly parking, and enhance access and circulation for all modes of transportation.
Responses from interested and qualified firms to provide these services, as outlined in Section 2.0 Project Description in the Procurement Opportunity, are requested by TCRPC. The procurement opportunity is available on TCRPC's website at To submit questions regarding this opportunity, contact TCRPC staff in writing at
Sealed submissions identified on the outside as Peoria Heights CBD Parking Study, are due to the TCRPC office located at 456 Fulton Street, Suite 401, Peoria, Illinois 61602, no later than noon on Monday, January 13, 2025. Submittals received after that date and time are NOT eligible for consideration by TCRPC.
Tri-County reserves the right to reject any or all submissions, waive informality and irregularities in the submissions, and select the firm that is in the best interest of TCRPC and in compliance with the terms set forth herein. Tri-County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and invites Minority and Women-Owned Firms to submit.