Long Range Transportation Plan Update
City of Billings
Billings, MT
Section 5: Scope of Work
3.1. Project Overview: The Billings Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) seeks qualified consultants to conduct an audit and redesign of the project list in the 2023 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The need for this audit arises from recommendations made during the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) audit, which identified several inaccuracies and a lack of clarity in the project list. Additionally, the Billings MPO must update its urban planning boundary in compliance with the 2020 Census data. This RFP outlines the scope of work for consultants to provide these services using Planning (PL) funds.
Scope of Work
- Project List Audit: the consultant will conduct a detailed audit of the project list in the 2023 LRTP based on FHWA's feedback. This audit should focus on identifying:
- Inaccuracies in project descriptions, timelines, costs, and funding sources.
- Discrepancies between the project list and the current funding allocations.
- Areas where the list is confusing or unclear to readers and decision-makers.
The audit will involve:
- A review of all project entries and associated documentation.
- Coordination with Billings MPO staff, City and County staff, and the Montana Department of Transportation to confirm the accuracy of the projects and funding.
- A summary report highlighting issues found in the current list, with suggested revisions.
Redesign of the Project List: Following the audit the consultant will redesign the project list to ensure:
- Clear, consistent, and accurate project descriptions.
- Alignment of funding sources and allocations.
- Enhanced readability and user-friendly layout for stakeholders, decision-makers, and the public.
- Consistency with FHWA and MDT guidelines for transportation project lists.
The consultant will:
- Propose a standardized format and structure for the project list.
- Present draft revisions to the Billings MPO staff for feedback.
- Incorporate feedback and finalize the redesigned project list.
MPO Urban Planning Boundary Update: The consultant will assist in updating the urban planning boundary for the Billings MPO based on the 2020 Census review of the urbanized area.
- Through coordination with MPO staff, review the demographic, geographic, and future land use analysis from the 2023 LRTP to develop a draft urban planning boundary.
- Creation of GIS maps and accompanying documentation to substantiate the rationale for the updated boundary.
- Integration of the updated boundary into the 2023 LRTP modification.
2023 Long Range Transportation Plan Modification: The consultant will work with Billings MPO staff to incorporate the revised project list and the updated urban planning boundary into a formal modification of the 2023 LRTP.
- Update relevant section of the LRTP to reflect modifications.
- Ensure compliance with FHWA and MDT guidelines for LRTP modifications.
- Facilitate one public outreach and stakeholder engagement as needed to support the modification process and document any public comments.
- Audit Report: A comprehensive report detailing the findings from the audit of the project list, including identified inaccuracies and proposed corrections.
- Redesigned Project List: A revised and finalized project list in both draft and final forms, incorporating feedback from the Billings MPO, MDT, FHWA, and stakeholders.
- Urban Planning Boundary Map: Updated GIS maps and related documentation reflecting the new urban planning boundary.
- Electronic version of the 2023 LRTP Modification: Final modifications to the 2023 LRTP document, including the updated project list and urban planning boundary.
- Weekly email updates to the MPO.