Zoning and Land Use Codes Update

City of Edgewater

Edgewater, CO

Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan ("Edgewater 2040") provides Edgewater's strategic vision for the future looking forward twenty-years and includes guidance on land use and design. The City's Zoning and Land Use Codes should align with Edgewater 2040 and serve the community.

The project is to address modern land use concepts to further support Edgewater's unique position as a small hometown residential community with its vibrant retail-based economy, all in an urban setting. Aspects for an update and rewrite will include review of zone districts, design and development standards, accessory dwelling units, Transit Oriented Communities overlay, compatibility of zoning codes, and public input process.

Chosen consultant will work closely with the City of Edgewater Community Development Department to develop a strategy, plan and deliverables for the update of the City's Zoning and Land Use Regulations. Specific desired outcomes include:

  1. Consistent with Edgewater 2040, modernize zoning and subdivision regulations with specific improvements to problematic and/or outdated process and procedures associated with the code which will improve, simplify and reduce review and approval time for development applications.
  2. Provide guidance to ensure new code language will be gender neutral and sensitive to diversity, equity, equality and inclusion practices.
  3. Review and update of zone districts and design guidelines.
  4. Ensure the update project meets applicable State of Colorado 2024 land use legislation and Proposition 123 requirements applicable to the City of Edgewater.
  5. Propose a well-rounded detailed workplan for the Planning Commission on this update project, and that also includes strategic updates to City Council throughout the project.
  6. Robust community engagement and input was received during the City's process to update and adopt Edgewater 2040. As such, community engagement for this project will build on what has already occurred from Edgewater 2040, and to gain further clarity and input on details needed to update Edgewater's zoning and land use regulations.

Request Type
Monday, February 24, 2025