Wireless Facilities Leases
City of Calabasas
Calabasas, CA
The purpose of this Request for Proposal ("RFP") is to solicit proposals for the lease of space on City-owned property at City Hall and elsewhere to one or more qualified Respondents/Lessees that are either a federally licensed communications company or other qualified Respondent established to own, operate, and develop wireless communications facilities for the installation of telecommunications equipment upon certain property owned by the City (See Exhibits A and B).
The City is open to proposals from individual wireless carriers, from third party wireless leasing companies, or from any similar qualified respondent, and expects that all proposals will include a stated plan for speedy build-out of a proposed site. The leased area will consist of the land or building area sufficient for the location of equipment owned by the selected Respondent. Respondents shall analyze the proposed location and submit a proposal. The selected Respondent will be responsible for designing, permitting, constructing, operating, maintaining and owning a wireless telecommunications facility for the purpose of providing voice and data services to the general public.
Proposals should indicate proposed facility height, type/design of structure (monopole, lattice, roof mounted, light standard mounted, or other), on-site location, equipment, term of lease with extensions as applicable, annual lease payment, annual escalation, lease payments to City by lessees, specific type of equipment to be located on structure, benefit/service area of the proposed installation, plans for ability to serve multiple carriers (if proposed), and all other specifics required for the City to formally consider the project and proposal. All facilities will need to meet the City's Tier 1 wireless facilities requirements, including its stealth requirements.