Specific Plan
City of San Rafael
San Rafael, CA
The City of San Rafael (City) seeks a consultant to prepare a Specific Plan for the Southeast San Rafael/Canal Priority Development Area (PDA). This Plan area is approximately two square miles and contains the highest concentration of mixed uses and intensity of development in Marin County. The Plan area is highly developed with a diverse mix of land uses and intensities.
This Request for Proposals is intended to serve as a "Master RFP" for preparation of a Specific Plan, CEQA analysis and all associated technical studies. The City does not have an expectation or preference for the EIR and Specific Plan to be completed by one or multiple firms. The City reserves the right to select the firm or firms that it feels are best qualified to complete the work. The City intends to serve as Project Manager and will monitor the performance of each consultant as required. All respondents to this RFP must provide a detailed proposed scope of work consistent with the delivery of a specific plan.
Some of City's greatest challenges are also evident in this Plan area, including vulnerability to sea level rise, subsidence, housing affordability, limited access and egress, and traffic congestion. The City's 2040 General Plan (General Plan Documents - San Rafael) identified the Southeast San Rafael/Canal neighborhood within its Neighborhood Element as an area ripe for long range planning.
The proposals shall be submitted as one document via electronic mail in a printable PDF format with the subject line: (Name of Organization) Response to RFP: Southeast San Rafael Specific Plan. The proposal may include links to other documents and/or appendices, the proposer should not assume these will be reviewed. All content the proposer feels is necessary for selection should be included in the body of the proposal. All proposals shall be submitted at your earliest convenience but no later than April 7, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. PDT to:
Jose Herrera Preza, Principal Planner
City of San Rafael
Community Development Department