RFP/RFQ Search
Unified Development Ordinance Update
City of GreenwoodGreenwood, INDeadline: Friday, February 21, 2025The City of Greenwood, Indiana, is interested in firms with experience in form-based or hybrid codes, and that are capable of providing professional services including research, analysis, stakeholder engagement, drafting of UDO text, graphic design, and urban design. -
Zoning and Land Use Codes Update
City of EdgewaterEdgewater, CODeadline: Monday, February 24, 2025Edgewater is seeking a multidisciplinary consultant team to assist in updating its zoning and land use codes. The City adopted the Edgewater 2040 Comprehensive Plan in 2024, and now the plan is to update Edgewater’s zoning and land use codes. -
CEQA/NEPA Evaluation
Tule River Economic Dev. Corp.Porterville, CADeadline: Friday, February 21, 2025RFP CEQA/NEPA a San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District operating permit -
Affordable Housing Study
Meramec Regional Planning CommissionSaint James, MODeadline: Monday, February 10, 2025This RFP seeks professionals to develop the Fort Leonard Wood Off-Installation Housing Study. The consultant will assess the FLW Region’s housing market, highlighting opportunities for collaboration and potential barriers to Active-Duty Service Members’ access to adequate, affordable housing near FLW. -
Post-Disaster Recovery Assessment
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services - Coastal ProgramPortsmouth, NHDeadline: Monday, March 10, 2025Seeking proposals from a qualified consultant, or team of qualified consultants to assist with a regional effort to prepare coastal communities for flood events by assessing and building their capacity for resilient and equitable recovery. -
Infrastructure Resilience Study
AMBAGMonterey, CADeadline: Monday, February 10, 2025We accepting proposals from qualified consultants for the Pajaro Bridge Infrastructure Resilient Design Study (Pajaro BIRDS) to increase the resilience of the Highway 1 at the Pajaro River from impacts of flooding, drainage impoundment, sea level rise, and climate change. -
Comprehensive Plan Update
City of MurphyMurphy, TXDeadline: Friday, February 28, 2025The Department of Community Development of the City of Murphy, Texas, is requesting responses from qualified individuals, firms, and teams to undertake a public planning process to develop a Master Plan for the City of Murphy. -
Missing Middle Housing Study Part 1
M-NCPPC Prince George's County Planning DepartmentLargo, MDDeadline: Tuesday, February 11, 2025The Missing Middle Housing Study project for Prince George’s County, Maryland will identify constraints and opportunities in the development of missing middle housing in areas of the County and strategies to support it. This effort will be multi-phased. -
Comprehensive Plan Update
Peters TownshipMcMurray, PADeadline: Thursday, February 13, 2025Peters Township is seeking qualified professionals to assist in the preparation of a Comprehensive Plan. It is intended that this project will primarily be an update to the existing Comprehensive Plan. -
Public Art Plan
City of GreenGreen, OHDeadline: Thursday, February 20, 2025The City of Green is seeking proposals from qualified firms to develop a comprehensive Public Art Plan that reflects our community's values, fosters creative expression and enhances public spaces.
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