As one of the earliest divisions of the American Planning Association, the Planning and Women Division was formed in 1979 as a platform from which to transmit ideas and career concerns of particular interest to women and to the general membership of the American Planning Association.

Among the purposes of the Division are the following:

• Address issues facing the planning and development of communities, cities, regions, states, and the nation related to the changing roles of women and men as a means of promoting social equity;

• Create a national network of planners, decision makers and persons actively involved in organizations which are concerned about similar issues;

• Promote professional growth of women in planning and advocate for equitable treatment and advancement of female planners at all stages of their careers;

• Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of women in planning;

• Advance technical knowledge and improve techniques of dealing with the issues of women and planning; and

• Promote the analysis and examination of the issues of women and planning at every level of government and in colleges and universities.

We welcome your participation with over 100 other members in activities pertaining to women in the profession and the role of women in society as it pertains to planning.  On this website you will find information about our division's activities and services.  Please feel free to contact any of the division leaders with your suggestions and inquiries.

Fiona Akins, AICP
Planning and Women Division Chair

Join the Planning and Women Division

The Need to Plan for Women: Planning with a Gender Lens

Issue Brief, November 2015

Planners can foster more equitable, inclusive and livable communities with transportation, housing and zoning, and economic development policies that address the needs of women. This requires a shift in transportation planning from a focus on commuting to a focus on mobility. Planning and zoning codes should promote affordable housing, and neighborhoods should be designed intentionally to reduce care burdens and promote integration rather than separation of spheres of work and family (e.g. progressive zoning policies that allow broader definitions of family, accessory dwelling units, etc.). Finally, economic development policies should promote access to child- and elder- care, and homebased businesses.

This project was conducted in collaboration with the Cornell Women's Planning Forum and the Planning and Women Division of the American Planning Association. Work was supported in part by an APA Divisions Council Grant.

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Issue Brief Authors:
Amanda Micklow, AICP
Elizabeth Kancilia
Mildred Warner, PhD
Department of City & Regional Planning
Cornell University

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