Planner III
Hernando County Board of County Commissioners
Brooksville, FL United States
How to Apply
URL: of Duties
- Supports Planning Manager in facilitation of Planning Division long-range planning goals andobjectives.
- Performs advanced professional work related to a variety of planning assignments.
- Compiles reports and manages studies concerning complex growth issues. Presents reports and findings to advisorycommittees, citizen groups, boards, and elected officials.
- Analyzes and processes complex development proposals and agreements for compliance with the comprehensiveplan and land development regulations.
- Prepares amendments to County land development regulations.
- Analyzes amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and processes other land use applications.
- Participates in the Development Review Process.
- Prepares and manages updates to the impact fee ordinances.
- Coordinates with the Water Management District, and other State and Regional agencies regarding environmentalissues.
- Coordinates with Department of Public Works and Utilities Department on the reviews of development permitapplications for compliance with environmental regulations and Comprehensive Plan rules and policies.
- Prepares updates to the comprehensive plan and evaluates/monitors the plan for compliance with county growthobjectives and state law.
- Responds to inquiries from the public.
- Provides leadership in the review of various applications, including subdivisions, permits, site plans, rezoningrequests, and special exception use permits.
- Attends staff meetings and provides input for improved permit review streamlining.
- Assists in duties related to preparation and presentation of data in graphic and/or written form that will be presentedto the Board of County Commissioners.
- Reviews drafts and edits materials related to the planning field.
- Attends Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of County Commissioners meetings as required.
- Reviews and analyzes complex regulatory ordinances. Makes recommendations for future actions.
Emergency Response
County employees are required to report for work during a state of emergency and are subject to recall around the clockfor emergency response operations which may include duties other than those specified in this job description.
Experience Level
Mid II (4-8 years)
AICP Level
None Selected
Community or Neighborhood Development
Salary Range
$63,500 - $92,000
Contact Information
15470 Flight Path Drive
Brooksville, FL