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    • Affordability by Design

      City of the Future, September 2019
      by: Eric Jaffe, Vanessa Quirk
      This podcast episode discusses innovations in housing design that could help promote affordability.
    • Building Blocks Podcast

      by: Laurel Blatchford
      This podcast examines the opportunities and challenges facing the affordable housing and community development industries.
    • Affordable Housing Podcast

      Affordable Housing Podcast, 2020
      by: Jonathan Paine, Katelynn Harris
      This podcast explores creative finance solutions to the affordable housing crisis.
    • How Can Affordable Housing Be Elevated as a Social Justice Issue?

      Frame[s] of Mind, December 2019
      by: Drew Volmert, Kevin Levay, Tiffany Manuel
      This podcast episode explains that the way officials and activists talk about affordable housing can affect whether the issue receives support or opposition.
    • Holistic Housing Podcast

      Holistic Housing Podcast, March 2020
      by: Laura DeMaria
      This podcast explains how housing practitioners and policy makers are promoting housing affordability to improve quality of life.
    • Can Cities Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis?

      The Takeaway, July 2019
      by: Andres O'Hara
      This podcast episode examines what cities and states are doing to support affordable housing development and preservation, despite pushback from residents.
    • Opportunity Starts at Home

      Opportunity Starts at Home, March 2020
      by: Mike Koprowski
      This podcast considers how housing can enable or restrict opportunity.
    • Priced Out

      by: Joey Lovato, Bree Zender
      This podcast explores how different people cope with the affordability crisis.
    • The Burlington Model: How Planning-Led Reforms Transformed the City's Housing Market

      In this episode of the APA Podcast, Burlington, Vermont's former mayor, Miro Weinberger, and former planning director, Meagan Tuttle, AICP share how they worked together to provide the political leadership and the critical insights needed for Burlington to enact one of the nation's most important and far-reaching reforms aimed at increasing housing supply.

    Showing 1 - 9 of 9