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Trees for a Cool City: Guidelines for Optimised Tree Placement
November,2017by: Andrew Coutts, Nigel TapperThis guide provides recommendations for urban tree placement based on street type and orientation in order to maximize the benefits of trees. -
Adapting to Urban Heat: A Tool Kit for Local Governments
August 2012by: Sara HoverterThis guide is designed to help planners and local officials select tactics that can help reduce hazards associated with extreme heat. -
A Practical Guide to Cool Roofs and Cool Pavements
January 2012This guide contains information to increase understanding of cool roofs and pavements and support the implementation of these strategies to mitigate the effects of urban heat. -
Excessive Heat Events Guidebook
March 2016This guide contains information to help planners, elected officials, and other decision-makers address extreme heat events in their communities. -
Beating the Heat: A Sustainable Cooling Handbook for Cities
November 2021by: Iain Campbell, Sneha Sachar, Julia MeilselThis guide provides information to help planners and other decision-makers mitigate the effects of urban heat in their communities. -
Guide to Urban Cooling Strategies
July 2017by: Paul Osmond, Ehsan SharifiThis guide provides information on several strategies to mitigate the effects of urban heat islands. -
Heat Island Compendium
October 2008This guide contains information to help moderate or reduce temperatures in U.S. communities. -
New York, NY, Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines
September 2020This guide belongs to the Hazard Mitigation and Urban Heat Resilience collections. -
Tucson, AZ, Downtown Urban Design Reference Manual
August 2008This guide includes strategies to help reduce or moderate the effects of urban heat islands in Tucson, Arizona. -
Heatwave Guide for Cities
2019This guide contains information to help communities mitigate and prepare for extreme heat events. -
Cambridge, MA, Resilient Cambridge Handbook
2021This guide contains information and several strategies to address the effects of urban heat islands in Cambridge, MA. -
Climate Change Policy Guide
by: American Planning Association National January 01, 2021APA's Climate Change Policy Guide positions planners to take the lead in helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure our communities adapt to a changing climate. -
Heat Action Planning Guide for Neighborhoods of Greater Phoenix
This guide presents a participatory process for heat action planning for neighborhoods in Phoenix, Arizona. -
Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard for Heat
This guidebook explains the rationale for the PIRS™ for Heat, provides a step-by-step guide for any practitioner or researcher interested in applying the methodology, includes a detailed and ready-to-go worksheet, and summarizes key plan integration findings from five communities across the U.S. -
Hazard Mitigation Policy Guide
by: American Planning AssociationAPA's Hazard Mitigation Policy Guide positions planners to champion a new approach to mitigation, adaptation, and recovery centered on equity and established research. -
Falling Dominoes: A Planner’s Guide to Drought and Cascading Impacts
This guide makes the case for establishing drought as a priority for local planning.
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