Knowledgebase Collection
Housing Supply Planning

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Urban, suburban, and rural communities across the United States face a housing shortage. The housing supply is not growing to meet demand, which disproportionately impacts low- and moderate-income residents by increasing the affordability gap, diminishing the quality of life for individuals and families, and slowing economic growth in communities.
To provide inspiration for local efforts to increase housing supply, the National League of Cities (NLC) and the American Planning Association (APA) partnered to create the Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook. The playbook presents a vision for a systems approach to addressing the root causes of housing shortages and increasing the supply of housing options that are diverse, attainable, and equitable. It presents a wide range of potential strategies and highlights noteworthy examples of local efforts in the areas of construction and development, finance, land use and regulation, and infrastructure as hurdles to increasing housing supply. This collection builds off the main themes of the playbook and serves as a complementary resource.
From this page, you can search for resources that provide background information and guidance on housing supply planning and find examples of local housing needs assessments, plans, and plan implementation tools from across the country. You can filter these search results by various geographic and demographic characteristics.
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