Ann Arbor, MI, Downtown Ann Arbor Design Guidelines

Adopted January 2011

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Design Review

The city established a design review process in 2011 for its downtown zoning districts that is part of the site plan review process. Its downtown design guidelines apply to those properties and projects in the downtown that are not within designated historic districts. The guidelines address site design, building articulation, street level design, parking design, windows, and materials. They are organized into general guidelines for all projects, and provide descriptions of different character districts within the downtown. The guide is extensively illustrated with photographs and includes a short glossary of terms.

Solar Energy

The city's downtown design guidelines call for site design that accommodates solar access and minimizes shading of adjacent properties (§A.2.2), as well as integrating solar or wind systems into the design at the tops of buildings (§C.6.1).

Ann Arbor, MI

2010 Population: 113,934

2010 Population Density: 4,093.93/square mile