Providence, RI, Zoning Ordinance

Updated April 2020

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Housing Supply Planning

This zoning code encourages increasing housing supply and affordable options for all in Providence, Rhode Island. The new zoning code adopted in 2014 promotes a balance of housing choices and provides low and moderate income housing. 

Solar Energy

The city's zoning code provides use-specific standards for primary and accessory solar energy systems (§1202.Y & §1302.Q). Systems may be located in side or rear yards, but are prohibited in front yards and must be less than 8' in height. Solar collectors and other rooftop structures may exceed maximum height limits as defined. In historic districts, approval of the historic district commission is required. In Downtown zones, where development is regulated for historic compatibility, in order to promote sustainability solar panels are permitted on rooftops but must not be visible from the right-of-way of designated streets.

Zoning Reform and Code Writing

The city adopted a new zoning code in 2014. It includes a mix of use-based and form-based zoning standards. It defines and regulates uses based on broad categories, with select specific use types, and includes use-specific standards to minimize reliance on discretionary use permits. It is richly illustrated and uses tables to organize use permissions and dimensional standards.

Its purpose statements address promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare; providing for a range of uses and intensities of use; providing for orderly growth and development; providing for pollution and soil erosion and sedimentation control; protecting the natural, historic, cultural, and scenic character; providing for the preservation and promotion of agriculture and open space; protecting public facility investments; promoting a balance of housing choices; providing for low and moderate income housing; promoting safety from fire, flood, and other disasters; promoting high-quality design in the development of private and public facilities; implementing the local comprehensive plan; providing for intergovernmental coordination of land uses, resources, and facilities; providing for efficient development review; providing for procedures for the administration of the zoning ordinance; providing opportunities for reasonable accommodations in compliance with the Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act, the United States Fair Housing Amendments Act, the Rhode Island Civil Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (§101).

Providence, RI

2010 Population: 178,042

2010 Population Density: 9,676.20/square mile