San Antonio, TX, SA Tomorrow
Adopted August 2016
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Residential Infill Development
Active Transportation
This comprehensive plan includes trail-oriented development standards. It integrates its expanding urban trail, greenway, and Riverwalk system into a development plan that proposes a trail-oriented development (TrOD) typology at certain nodes in the trail system (p. 4.15). These nodes will see different performance standards, such as allowances for higher densities and tighter FAR standards, requirements for more transparency alongside and higher connectivity of streets, and new open-space standards. The planners cite Minneapolis and Denver as precedents and peers in their efforts.
Built Environment and Health
The city’s comprehensive plan features a Community Health and Wellness element that discusses food systems, physical activity, water, transportation, health outcomes and air. The element’s Goals and Policies are listed by theme.
Housing Supply Planning
This comprehensive plan encourages increasing housing supply and affordable housing options for all in San Antonio, Texas. The housing section includes six goals that focus on affordability, variations in housing types, improving infrastructure, infill development, and more.
Residential Infill Development
The city’s comprehensive plan background study brings to light the large number of vacant and underutilized parcels within the core city area, and suggests mixed-use redevelopment as an approach to revitalization. The plan includes an infill neighborhood element, which prioritizes context-sensitive infill development that offers a range of housing choices as a community goal.
Social Equity
This comprehensive plan includes Equity as one of five cross-cutting themes. The Housing and Community Health and Wellness elements address access disparities and propose goals and policies to preserve affordability and improve access to healthy food, active transportation options, and health services.
San Antonio, TX
2010 Population: 1,327,407
2010 Population Density: 2,879.83/square mile