Lewisville, NC, Unified Development Ordinance

Updated October 8, 2018


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Housing Supply Planning  |  Inclusionary Housing

The town offers incentives for the voluntary provision of affordable housing in its unified development ordinance (§3-9).

The code offers several options for density bonuses. For duplex or multifamily units, a 25 percent density bonus is offered in exchange for 40 percent of units made affordable as rentals to families at 60 percent of AMI or 20 percent of units affordable as rentals to families at 50 percent of AMI. For single-family detached units, a 25 percent density bonus is offered in exchange for 25 percent or at least two units made affordable for sale to families at 80 percent of AMI. A 25 percent density bonus is also offered in exchange for donation of land to the county or city housing authority for affordable housing development within the same or adjoining census tract.

The code provides requirements for sales and rental contracts; units must remain affordable for at least 15 years.

Lewisville, NC

2010 Population: 12,639

2010 Population Density: 904.79/square mile