Denver, CO, Comprehensive Plan 2040

Adopted April 2019

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Table of Contents

Affordable Housing Programs

The consolidated city-county’s comprehensive plan contains an Equitable, Affordable, and Inclusive vision element that includes affordable housing goals. Goals 1 through 5 and 8 call for the development and preservation of affordable housing for residents across a range of incomes, ages, and needs and the need to respond to signs of involuntary displacement of residents and businesses.

Age-Friendly Communities

The city’s comprehensive plan includes a section called Equitable, Affordable and Inclusive that commits the city to serving the most vulnerable residents. While all goals and actions in this section make the city more age-friendly, goals 2, 7, 8, and 9 specifically address the needs of older adults and children.

Climate Change

The city’s comprehensive plan contains an Environmentally Resilient element through mitigation and adaptation goals and strategies to address the impacts of climate change. Goal 1 presents strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Goal 2 focuses on preparing the city for the impacts of climate change through collaboration, innovation, and equity.

Comprehensive Planning

The city’s comprehensive plan, initially adopted in May 2019, includes 8 chapters:
-    Introduction
-    Equitable, Affordable and Inclusive
-    Strong and Authentic Neighborhoods
-    Connected, Safe and Accessible Places
-    Economically Diverse and Vibrant
-    Environmentally Resilient
-    Healthy and Active
-    Denver and the Region
Each chapter presents policy recommendations in the form of nested goals, strategies, and policies. The Environmental Resiliency portion of the plan focuses on the topic of the Climate Goal Stakeholder report that focuses and drives the direction of efforts for an 80x50 goal. The Connected, Safe and Accessible Places also focuses on the concepts of a walkable, bikeable, accessible and transit-friendly community.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure

The city’s comprehensive plan presents goals and strategies to preserve, enhance, and encourage green infrastructure, green streets, and low-impact development (LID). It encourages using green infrastructure to improve water quality and reduce runoff (Goal 5.4) and accommodating green infrastructure in street design (Strategy 3.A-B). The comprehensive plan also emphasizes the preservation of the city’s green infrastructure network (Goal 5.6).

Housing Supply Planning

This comprehensive plan encourages increasing housing supply and affordable options for all in Denver, Colorado. The Equitable, Affordable, and Inclusive vision element includes various goals to preserve existing affordable housing and create new affordable housing for all income levels. 

Denver, CO

2010 Population: 600,158

2010 Population Density: 3,922.60/square mile