Houston, TX, Code of Ordinances

Updated May 2024

By: City of Houston

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Table of Contents

Brownfields Redevelopment  |  Green Building

The city’s tax code contains a section authorizing tax abatements for brownfields redevelopment (§44.129). The policy identifies zones eligible properties for brownfield development tax abatements, the type of properties eligible, and agreement processes. The code also provides a partial tax abatement for incremental investment associated with obtaining Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. The percentage of this partial abatement is based on the LEED certification level (Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum) and is effective up to ten years (§44-131).

Climate Change

The city’s codified ordinances address climate change. It establishes an Office of Sustainability to help develop, adopt, implement, and maintain a climate action plan (§2-251). And it outlines the base requirements of the climate action plan, which should include a greenhouse gas emissions inventory, measures to reduce these emissions, and implementation and coordination strategies to achieve the objectives (§2-253).

Housing Supply Planning  |  Zoning Reform and Code Writing

Established in §33-601 et al. of the Code of Ordinances is creating and standardizing conservation districts to preserve, maintain, and protect neighborhood character in Houston, Texas. Included in the code is the process, criteria, and restrictions of designating a conservation district. 

Houston, TX

2010 Population: 2,099,451

2010 Population Density: 3,501.48/square mile