Minneapolis, MN, Minneapolis 2040
Adopted October 2019
By: City of Minneapolis
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Affordable Housing Programs
The city’s comprehensive plan lists affordable and accessible housing as a goal with 22 related policies. It discusses the need for affordable and accessible housing, including existing disparities by race and ethnicity, in the Housing Topics section.
Climate Change
The city’s comprehensive plan contains a climate change resilience goal. It includes policies that help the city reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and build resilience to the effects of climate change, including increasing energy efficiency in buildings, implementing the framework of the complete streets, and creating climate-resilient communities.
Complete Streets
The city’s comprehensive plan includes policy recommendations that support complete streets implementation. Policy 17 establishes support for complete streets and includes recommended actions that address implementing the city’s complete streets policy statement, incorporating complete streets principles in all elements of the public right-of-way, documenting implementation for each project, prioritizing complete streets projects in the city’s capital improvement program, incorporating a context-based approach when planning and designing projects, exploring flexible and innovative designs, seeking exceptions and variances from conflicting standards, and developing curbside management policies.
Housing Supply Planning
This comprehensive plan encourages increasing housing supply and affordable options for all in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The plan lists affordable and accessible housing as a goal with 22 related policies. It discusses the need for affordable and accessible housing, including existing disparities by race and ethnicity, in the Housing Topics section.
Shared Mobility
The city's comprehensive plan contains a shared mobility policy and a transportation and equity policy with actions to help reduce household's vehicle ownership while investing in a shared mobility system. Some of the actions in the policies include investing in pilot programs, designing policies to support shared mobility, and ensuring an equitable distribution of shared mobility benefits.
Social Equity
The city’s comprehensive plan integrates social equity throughout the document. While all of the goals address social equity to some extent, those that deal with it most directly include Eliminate Disparities, Affordable and Accessible Housing, Healthy, Safe, and Connected People, Creative, Cultural, and Natural Amenities, Complete Neighborhoods, Clean Environment, and Equitable Civic Participation System. Each of these goals includes a table of related policies that show how it will be implemented. This plan caught national media attention for eliminating single-family zoning in favor of higher-density development.
Urban Heat Resilience
The city’s comprehensive plan contains strategies to help reduce or moderate the effects of urban heat islands. Some of the strategies include encouraging the design of parking areas that minimize their contribution to the urban heat island effect (Policy 6.Q), promoting landscape areas with plants and trees that reduce urban heat (Policy 13.C), and adopting a plan to manage the urban heat island effect across communities (Policy 67.E).
Minneapolis, MN
2010 Population: 382,578
2010 Population Density: 7,088.32/square mile