Washington Revised Code

Updated June 2022

By: State of Washington

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Table of Contents

Accessory Dwelling Units

These statutes require all cities and counties planning under the Growth Management Act to adopt zoning standards that conform to the state's maximally restrictive standards for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) (§36.70A.680 et seq.). Cities and counties must permit up to two ADUs by right in all single-family zoning areas, without requiring owner occupancy or additional parking (within 1/2 mile of major transit stops), prohibiting subdivision and sale, or charging more than 50% of the impact fees for principal units.

Capital Improvements Programming

These statutes require comprehensive plans to include a capital facilities plan element (§36.70A.070(3)). It requires a six-year capital facilities plan with a stipulation that cities and counties must coordinate the land-use and capital facilities elements.

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

These statutes require cities and counties to implement comprehensive plans that consider impacts to critical areas. It stipulates that cities and counties must:

  • designate critical areas, agricultural lands, forest lands, and mineral resource lands(§36.70A.040(3))
  • designate natural resource land and critical areas (§36.70A.170)
  • use of best available science to designate critical areas (§36.70A.172)
  • and to conserve agricultural, forest, and mineral resource lands (§36.70A.060)

Housing Supply Planning

These statutes encourage increasing housing options for all by permitting accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Cities and counties must permit up to two ADUs by right in all single-family zoning areas, without requiring owner occupancy or additional parking (within 1/2 mile of major transit stops), prohibiting subdivision and sale, or charging more than 50% of the impact fees for principal units.

Planning and Zoning Enabling Laws

Washington requires some counties, cities, and towns to prepare comprehensive plans. And it authorizes counties, cities, and towns to adopt zoning regulations.

Jurisdiction Comprehensive Planning Enabling Statutes Zoning Enabling Statutes






Parish NA NA
Borough NA NA









Village NA NA
Township NA NA
