Planning February 2014

Planning February 2014

Incentives to lure business aren't all they're cracked up to be, and now some places are evening the score. W. Zachary Malinowski reports.

Chris Tramutola tracks the movement to daylight streams. In Planning Practice.

New — smaller, nichier — industry is taking over old manufacturing sites. JoAnn Greco surveys the scene; Margot Lederer Prado provides a sidebar.

Walker Wells describes the place where "sustainability" means collaboration.

Jonathan Barnett explains Danish architect Jan Gehl's campaign to make cities safe and attractive for walking — and for cycling.

An excerpt from a new book describes how to assess project feasibility with design, development, and regulation in mind. By David Godschalk and Emil Malizia.

Reid Ewing on observation (and seating).

The right answer to the wrong question.

Cover: Digital embroidery. Photo courtesy NextFab Studio.