Planning January 2015

Planning January 2015

Special Issue on Seattle

What a difference a decade makes. Mark Hinshaw tells us all about it.

A Planning Practice on the city's transportation efforts by Clair Enlow.

Seattle's economy is robust and diverse. Greg Lamm reports — with a sidebar by Kristen A. Vitro and Jan Whittington.

A web extra by Rick Jacobus and Joshua Abrams

Joe Tovar lays out the outcomes and issues surrounding the 25-year-old law. Sidebar by Dan Bertolet.

Open space is a very big deal in Seattle. Molly Phemister explains why.

Arnold Cogan explores the river — which is the lifeblood of the Pacific Northwest.

Assessing BIDs using propensity score matching.

Is your city transitable?

Cover: Seattle's skyline frames the Seattle Great Wheel. Photo by Jay Dotson.