Planning October 2016

Planning October 2016

Deep Trouble

Problems that plague America's water systems extend far beyond Flint and contain much more than lead. Nationwide, replacing aging water infrastructure could cost more than $1 trillion by 2041. This month,Planning digs deep to examine the nation's water woes and consider how planners can undertake a more influential role in water management.

Featured Articles

Deep Trouble

The nation's water infrastructure crisis is bigger than Flint or lead. Madeline Bodin digs into the issue. With sidebars by Jake Blumgart and Kevin Ebi.

A Crack in the Code?

Form-based codes aren't the zoning cure-all many thought they'd be, but their emphasis on form has had a big impact, explains Alan Mammoser.

Cities, Inc.

Incorporation is on the rise, but there are growing pains, write Matt Wheelwright, Michael Johnson, Megan Townsend, and Casey Walrath.

Start-Up Upstart

Lacking the trappings of a typical tech hub, Kansas City, Missouri, gets decidedly DIY, reports Greg Flisram. Web-only extra: Up From the Killing Floors.

Preservation Planning Comes of Age

Elizabeth Watson looks at planners' roles in saving our treasured historic places. Melinda Woltenholme provides a sidebar.


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