Planning December 2017

Planning December 2017

Dealing with the Past, Planning for the Future

December's cover story, "Monumental Concerns," examines what New Orleans and other communities are doing about controversial public monuments honoring the Confederacy, while articles on smart cities, diversity and inclusion, and public participation cover exciting developments in contemporary planning in Columbus, Durham, and Detroit.

Featured Articles

Driving the Smart, Just City

Smart cities are about more than just technology; they're about making cities work better for everyone. Story by Madeline Bodin.

Lessons from the American Underground

Diversity, inclusion, and tech are shaping economic and workforce development in Durham, North Carolina, writes planning professor Nichola Lowe.

Monumental Concerns

Cities grapple with what to do about controversial Confederate statues. Jeffrey Goodman reports.

The Detroit River Renaissance

James David Dickson takes us to the Motor City, which is redeveloping its waterfront — with residents leading the way.

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