Planning March 2017
Planning March 2017

Community Solar Energy Funding, Benefits, Guide
Planning homes in on the booming business of community-shared solar energy. "Community Solar" explores funding sources, tells how communities solve siting challenges, and reviews community benefits like lower energy costs for residents of affordable housing. Our Planning Practice article offers a detailed, practical guide to writing better staff reports that includes a handy downloadable template. Plus, take a ride in the wayback machine to a 1958 traffic safety story from Life magazine.
Featured Articles
Keeping Hoofs Off Hoods
Writer Allen Best investigates wildlife overpasses and how they are making highways safer — for both animals and humans.
Staff Report Template
Could your staff reports get better? Here's a place to start: Download a customizable staff report cover page.
Life and Death Every Quarter Hour
Jeffery Brubaker looks back at traffic safety trends since 1958 and finds that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
The Better Staff Report
Planners spend a lot of time writing them, but how effective are they? Bonnie Johnson reveals how to make the most of your staff reports.
Here Comes the Sun
Community solar is offering communities more, and cleaner, energy options, writes Charles W. Thurston. With a sidebar by Tory Hanna.
Beyond Building
New construction isn't the only way to provide affordable housing. Anne Wyatt reports.
News & Departments
Research You Can Use
Reid Ewing recaps a peer-review study of the Interstate 70 expansion in Denver.
Reuniting a divided America.
On the cover: Solar panels. SeaPhotoArt/Alamy stock photo.