Robert Brown, FAICP

Contact Information
2903 Hampshire Road
Cleveland Heights
United States
FAICP Statement
For the 38 years of his city planning career, Robert N. Brown has consistently focused on improving the built environment and the quality of life in urban communities. Bob has worked as City Planning Director in Cleveland, Ohio for the past nine years. His notable accomplishments in 28 years with the city include preparation and implementation of the Civic Vision 2000 Citywide Plan, establishment of a system of design review for Cleveland’s neighborhoods, and leadership in “reimagining a more sustainable Cleveland” though pioneering work in land use planning that pairs intensive urban development with urban agriculture and green space expansion. Inducted in 2014.
About Me
I've worked as a city planner for the past 40 years, including ten years as Director of City Planning for the City of Cleveland. I am now working a city planning consultant in greater Cleveland.
In 2014 I was honored to be selected him as a "Fellow" of the "American Institute of Certified Planners" (FAICP).
Early in my time with the City of Cleveland, I prepared Cleveland's Civic Vision 2000 Citywide Plan, recipient of APA's national award for excellence in comprehensive planning. Later I led the city's work in the Reimagining a More Sustainable Cleveland project, recipient of the APA award for excellence in "sustaining places."
Over the years I've written and administered zoning and development regulations on a wide range of topics, from signs to design districts and from urban agriculture to townhouses.
Professional Biography
Robert N. Brown is a city planning consultant with 45 years of experience working for local government and serving community organizations, developers, architects and others engaged in urban planning and development.
He has specialized in writing zoning regulations and preparing comprehensive plans for urban and suburban communities. He has also written many grant applications and managed the resulting grant-funded planning projects. He has spoken at regional and national conferences on subjects ranging from sign regulations to sustainable development patterns.
In 2014 he was elected as a "Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners," a national honor recognizing his accomplishments as a city planner.
Major Projects Cleveland Civic Vision 2000 Citywide Plan (project manager) Connecting Cleveland 2020 Citywide Plan Comprehensive plans for several communities Zoning codes for several communities Urban design guidelines Sustainable development plans and zoning Urban agriculture zoning Regulations for signs, cell towers, PUDs, etc. Community planning for major roadway projects Great Places (“placemaking”) report
Professional Experience City Planning Consultant, 2014-present MidTown Cleveland, Inc. Interim Director, 2015 Cleveland City Planning Commission, Director, 2005-2014 Cleveland City Planning Commission, Assistant Director, 1989-2004 Cleveland Civic Vision Project Manager (consultant), 1985-1989 Cuyahoga County Planning Commission, Managing Planner, 1976-1985 Haverford Twp. Planning Department, Planner, 1975-76
Educational History Goddard College, BA program, Liberal Arts, 1969-1971 Case Western Reserve University, BA, Urban Studies, 1971-73 Columbia University, MS Program, Urban Planning, 1973-75
Affiliations & Awards Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners American Institute of Certified Planners, 1978-present Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency, President, 2008 Speaker at numerous national and regional planning workshops
Job History
MidTown Cleveland, Inc.Interim Executive Director
August,2015 - March,2016
Cleveland, OH
United States
Personal URL: URL: