Christopher Hermann, FAICP

FAICP Statement
Chris Hermann, FAICP, has spent thirty years serving as a planner for multiple jurisdictions then growing the planning studio of a private firm from two to thirty planners while managing several hundred planning projects, including more than 15 that have won local, state, and national awards. When there is an important planning project in Ohio or beyond, Chris is often called for his expertise in making communities better. This includes planning caps across interstates, leading Downtown master planning efforts, building multi-jurisdictional accords, advancing transit-oriented development, envisioning new walkable town centers, and creating the conditions to attract mega-employers like Intel.
Professional Biography
Chris Hermann, AICP, is a principal with MKSK (planning, urban design, and landscape architecture firm) and a certified city planner with more than 27 years of planning experience. Chris has managed a wide variety of projects involving regional planning policy, comprehensive plans, downtown and focus area plans, corridor plans, park planning, economic development, transportation planning, and public engagement and facilitation. Building on his prior planning experience in city, county, and regional government, Chris is significantly involved with many transformative, place-making projects. He has led MKSK project teams for several award-winning downtown, district, and transportation plans including the I-670 Design Enhancement Study, the Downtown Columbus Strategic Plan, the Big Darby Accord, Bike New Albany Plan, and nationally-recognized Long Street Bridge Cap & Cultural Wall. Chris has also served as an adjunct faculty member of the Ohio State University’s Knowlton School of Architecture and on his community's Planning Commission and Architecture Review Board.
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