Carlos Rodrigues, FAICP

Contact Information
201 Moore St
United States
FAICP Statement
Carlos Rodrigues has provided leadership and inspiration to several generations of professionals, planning students, and engaged citizens in New Jersey and elsewhere. His seminal contributions to the 2001 New Jersey State Plan—integrating community design, physical planning, environmental restoration, and public health considerations into a statewide growth management framework—raised awareness among planning professionals and the broader public and elevated the quality of planning practice. His career has been predicated on the firm belief that planning is a problem-solving discipline that can bring people together, improve present conditions, and lay the foundations for a better future. Inducted 2016.
Professional Biography
Carlos Rodrigues, FAICP / PP Design Solutions for a Crowded Planet, LLC Carlos Rodrigues, FAICP / PP is a Princeton, NJ based urban designer, city planner, writer and educator, and principal of Design Solutions, LLC. His practice represents local governments, private development clients, objectors and civic groups involved in planning, (re)development and preservation projects of merit. He has worked in senior management positions in the private, public and non-profit sectors and has taught numerous graduate level planning courses. He is a charter member of the Congress for the New Urbanism, Past President of APA-NJ, and a past board member of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History. He is the editor of the 4th edition of the Complete Guide to Planning in New Jersey, released by APA-NJ in the Fall of 2018.
225098 | Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyGraduation Date: May, 1982
Degree Level: Graduate
Planning Degree
Lisbon School of Fine Arts
Graduation Date: July, 1978
Degree Level: Other Degree