Roger Millar, FAICP

FAICP Statement
The prominent theme that has run through Roger Millar’s career has been planning transportation systems that are not ends unto themselves; but rather the means toward economic vitality, environmental stewardship, social equity, public health, and aesthetic quality. His work on the Portland Streetcar and the Glenwood Springs to Aspen BRT provided communities nationwide with new modal tools. His Complete Streets leadership helped create a national movement for transportation systems that are safe, convenient, and pleasant for all users, regardless of how they choose to travel. His State DOT leadership is bringing innovation to agencies with enormous influence on transportation investment.
Professional Biography
Roger Millar has an international reputation for innovative approaches to transportation, land use and the environment. The prominent theme that has run through his career has been planning and implementing transportation systems that are not ends unto themselves; but rather the means toward economic vitality, environmental stewardship, social equity, public health, and aesthetic quality. His State DOT leadership is bringing innovation to agencies with enormous influence on transportation investment. His Complete Streets leadership helped create a national movement for transportation systems that are safe, convenient, and pleasant for all users, regardless of how they choose to travel. His work on the Portland Streetcar and the Glenwood Springs to Aspen BRT provided communities nationwide with new mobility tools.
Millar is a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a Distinguished Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He has served on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Board of Directors (2022-2023 President), the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute Board of Governors (2022-2023 President), the USDOT Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity, the National Operations Center of Excellence Strategic Advisory Council and the National Complete Streets Coalition Steering Committee. Millar served on the ASCE Board of Direction from 2017 to 2020 and on the Board of ITS America from 2018 to 2023. He was ITS America Board Chair from 2021 to 2022.
Millar graduated from the University of Virginia in 1982.