Roger Waldon, FAICP

Contact Information
111 Nolen Lane
Chapel Hill
United States
FAICP Statement
Roger Waldon personifies the link between planning theory and practice. Drawing on innovative ideas, his successes include the establishment of an Urban Services Boundary, New Urbanism developments, visualization techniques, shifts in transportation policy, and affordable housing in Chapel Hill. These concepts and principles are models to students and practicing planners everywhere. Inducted 2004.
Professional Biography
Roger S. Waldon, FAICP, is a Senior Consultant with Clarion Associates. Highlights of his career include 12 years as a planner with the Trianle J Council of Governments in Research Triangle Park, NC; 21 years as Planning Director for the Town of Chapel Hill, NC; and work with Clarion Associates as a consultant, preparing plans and ordinances for dozens of communities throughout the Southeast US. He is a frequent speaker at planning conferences and guest lecturer at colleges and universities, addressing multiple planning topics and the practice of planning. He has planning degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and was inducted into the AICP College of Fellows in recognition of his career . He has been an active and participating member of the American Planning Association since 1974.
160255 | Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyGraduation Date: June, 1972
Degree Level: Undergraduate
Planning Degree
160353 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Graduation Date: June, 1976
Degree Level: Graduate
Planning Degree
Job History
Clarion AssociatesPrincipal
May,2005 - Present
Chapel Hill, NC
United States
Town of Chapel Hill
Planning Director
November,1984 - May,2005
Chapel Hill, NC
United States
Triangle J Council of Governments
Director of Planning
November,1972 - November,1984
Research Triangle Park, NC
United States