Shifting the Regulatory Gears to Promote Bicycling

Zoning Practice — October 2014

By Jeffrey Beiswenger, AICP


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In many communities across the United States, riding a bicycle can be an uphill battle against a strong headwind. Poorly connected street and trail networks and a lack of bicycle infrastructure often make riding for recreation or transportation inconvenient or even dangerous.

Retooling your locality's regulatory framework can help make bicycling safer, more pleasant, and practical. While publicly funded infrastructure is an important piece of the puzzle, many communities overlook the significant role local development regulations can play in fostering bikeability.

This issue of Zoning Practice draws from existing examples of communities that have already attained higher levels of "pedal power" to explore how cities and counties can use development regulations to support safe and convenient bicycling.


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Date Published
Oct. 1, 2014
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American Planning Association National

About the Author

Jeffrey Beiswenger, AICP