Planned Unit Developments and Master Planned Communities

Zoning Practice — June 2007

By Daniel Mandelker


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A local government must adopt a process in which it approves planned unit develop ments and master planned communities. The procedures for PUD review and approval are now fairly standardized and resemble procedures for other land-use approvals, such as subdivision approvals.

The critical step is the approval of the development plan, which contains a map and text that govern project development. The planned unit development ordinance contains approval standards the legislative body must apply when it decides whether to approve a development plan. Depending on how the ordinance is written, the development plan can supplement an underlying zoning ordinance, or it can provide an independent set of regulations for the planned unit development.

This issue of Zoning Practice reviews each of the steps in the rezoning process for planned unit developments and recommends ordinance provisions that can enact them.


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Date Published
June 1, 2007
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American Planning Association National

About the Author

Daniel Mandelker