Fostering Diverse Perspectives on Planning and Zoning Boards

Zoning Practice — September 2022

By Christine Quattro


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Appointed planning commissions and zoning board members guide both long-range planning and day-to-day land-use decision-making. This supports and balances the work of zoning administrators, city planning staff, and elected officials. The backgrounds of these individuals, therefore, are important factors for how planning and zoning administration is enacted. The privileged few who are both offered and able to fill these positions shape planning and zoning operations.

This issue of Zoning Practice highlights the importance of diversifying planning and zoning boards. It discusses the historical lack of educational and professional diversity on these boards and offers guidance for administrators and city leaders to help them recruit, retain, and train board members that reflect the goals and populations of their communities.


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Date Published
Sept. 1, 2022
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American Planning Association

About the Author

Christine Quattro
Christine is currently a Fontaine Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania in the Department of City and Regional Planning. Chris's research focuses on equitable approaches to environmental justice and regulatory law. Chris also currently works as the Lead Land Development Researcher for a law firm in San Antonio, TX and most recently worked as the Director of Development and City Planning for the office of City Council District 1, also in San Antonio, TX.