June 11, 2020
Sustainability Plans Can Be More Than Just Talk
Uncovering JAPA: Investing in a sustainability plan means investing in the future. -
June 4, 2020
A Simple Path to Sustainable Transportation
Uncovering JAPA: Shared autonomous vehicles will be part of the future, but do we need them to achieve sustainable transportation? -
May 28, 2020
Covenants, Codes, Restrictions, and Your Own Backyard
Uncovering JAPA: Explore the language of covenants, codes, and restrictions to learn the role homeowner associations play in regulating the aesthetic and ecological functions of yards. -
May 21, 2020
Challenges to Ambitious Planning in a Shrinking City
Uncovering JAPA: Can planners overcome cultural, political, legal, and economic barriers to “smart shrinkage” strategies in shrinking cities? -
May 14, 2020
Is Single-Family Zoning on the Way Out?
Uncovering JAPA: Is it time to give the ax to single-family residential zoning? Nine JAPA viewpoints argue the question from both sides. -
April 30, 2020
Coping With Ethical Dissonance in Planning
Uncovering JAPA: Learn what research shows about the ways planners are responding to ethical dilemmas. -
April 23, 2020
The Generalist Journal and Its Value for Planning
JAPA articles grapple with concerns of broad interest and make contributions that can transform the wider domain of knowledge. -
April 16, 2020
Simplifying Coastal Planning for Small Cities
Uncovering JAPA: How can small coastal cities plan for climate uncertainty? -
April 9, 2020
Building a Participation Ladder With Youth
Uncovering JAPA: What possibilities would we have if youth could participate more fully in planning? Read about three new rungs of youth participation. -
April 2, 2020
Changing Climate Calls for Changing the Built Environment
Uncovering JAPA: Building water-efficient cities might let us stick to the rivers and lakes that we’re used to. -
March 26, 2020
Painting a Richer Picture of Older Adults' Mobility Needs
Uncovering JAPA: Interviews, focus groups, and walking audits can be added to statistics to help create a full picture of the mobility needs of older adults. -
March 19, 2020
Regional Planning Can Help With Environmental Impacts of Warehouses
Uncovering JAPA: How can planning help regulate the disproportionate concentration of e-commerce-related warehouse facilities in greenfield sites? -
March 12, 2020
More Than Articles: Review Essays in JAPA (Nerd Alert:Technical Details)
Get tips on writing a great review essay for the Journal of the American Planning Association. -
March 5, 2020
Locating Housing Affordability Amid Foreclosures
Uncovering JAPA: Planners may create communities more resilient to housing foreclosure by addressing location affordability. -
February 27, 2020
An Urgency for Insurgency: Lifting Marginalized Voices
Uncovering JAPA: Neighborhood association insurgents successfully challenged planning in one Detroit neighborhood, and planners can support marginalized voices elsewhere. -
February 20, 2020
The Hidden Cost in Housing Affordability
Uncovering JAPA: There is more to housing affordability than finding a place with a reasonable rent. What can planners do to promote energy efficiency and, more importantly, energy justice? -
January 16, 2020
JAPA in the Information Age (Nerd Alert: Technical Details)
What is the role of the Journal of the American Planning Association in the information age? Editor Ann Forsyth looks at the new information landscape. -
December 19, 2019
A Ladder to More Meaningful Community Participation
Uncovering JAPA: Arnstein's Ladder of Citizen Participation can't fix community participation, but it surely provides a space from which to start. -
December 11, 2019
Revisiting Arnstein’s Ladder: Justice as Parity of Participation
Uncovering JAPA: How can planning toward participation have a transformative effect on social equity? -
December 5, 2019
Noncitizens, Nonprofits, and Methods of Engagement
Uncovering JAPA: Three lessons from nonprofits in Los Angeles County can help planners build trust and representation for noncitizens. -
November 21, 2019
Moving Beyond Citizen Control to Co-Production
Uncovering JAPA: Co-production offers what citizen control can’t — systems change — but the public sector still has a great role to play. -
October 31, 2019
Missing Rungs in the Ladder of Citizen Participation
Uncovering JAPA: What happens when public participation is used to finesse existing plans and policies rather than provide opportunities to challenge them? -
October 17, 2019
The View From Arnstein’s Ladder: The Promise of Community Control
Uncovering JAPA: Is community control — a shift of power from the government to the majority of the community — the way to address injustice faced by marginalized members of the community? -
September 26, 2019
Research That Retrieves Lost Memories of Place
Uncovering JAPA: Engaging community members in storytelling can reveal forgotten heritage and draw new maps of the past. -
September 19, 2019
Building That Well-Known Ladder of Citizen Participation
Uncovering JAPA: Sherry Arnstein's influential Ladder of Citizen Participation grew from her frustration with government ideas about power in the 1950s and 1960s. -
September 12, 2019
Who Cares? Reimagining Planning as Caring
Uncovering JAPA: How can planners acknowledge and make use of all of their emotions in a productive way when engaging with the public? -
September 5, 2019
Changing California's Way of Measuring Traffic Could Equal More Housing
Uncovering JAPA: Switching from Level of Service (LOS) measurement to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) could streamline the development process in California. -
August 29, 2019
Planners as Partners in Building Healthy Communities
Uncovering JAPA: What does it look like for planners to not simply involve communities but ensure they have agency and can lead? -
August 22, 2019
No Eyes on the Street: City Officials and the Future of AVs
Uncovering JAPA: Cities have only dipped their toes in the water when it comes to regulating autonomous vehicles and their technology. -
August 8, 2019
Are Bed Bugs a Planning Issue?
Uncovering JAPA: If cities want to attract new residents and planners want those residents to thrive, a coordinated response to bed bugs is necessary. -
August 1, 2019
Zoning: The Cause and the Cure for High Housing Prices
Uncovering JAPA: Single-family restrictions, lot sizes restrictions, and parking requirements limit developers’ ability to build affordable housing. However, in this quandary, we may also find the solution. -
July 25, 2019
Ride-Hailing Could Boost Mobility Beyond Rich, Urban Areas
Uncovering JAPA: Ride-hail services are used by a wide range of people around Los Angeles, suggesting that they might provide increased mobility in rural, suburban, and low-income areas. -
July 18, 2019
Does JAPA Publish Articles on Methods? (Nerd Alert: Technical Details)
Does JAPA publish methods papers? The short answer is yes, but not all types. -
July 11, 2019
JAPA Looks at Planning from International Perspectives
International topics have a substantial presence in the Journal of the American Planning Association — a role likely to increase in a globalizing world. -
June 27, 2019
How JAPA Articles Get Published (Nerd Alert: Technical Details)
The Journal of the American Planning Association adheres to scholarly practices in choosing, editing, and publishing articles that address critical issues in planning practice. -
June 20, 2019
What Makes a Good JAPA Article? (Nerd Alert: Technical Details)
What does it take to get an article accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Planning Association? -
June 13, 2019
A JAPA Special Edition: The Enduring Legacy of David Godschalk
Uncovering JAPA: The latest edition of the Journal of the American Planning Association commemorates the life of professor, planner, architect, and JAPA editor David Godschalk, FAICP. -
June 6, 2019
Kevin Lynch and the Shaping of Los Angeles
Uncovering JAPA: The Journal of the American Planning Association continues to highlight Kevin Lynch’s legacy and the ideas in his book The Image of the City. Learn more about his imprint on Los Angeles. -
May 30, 2019
Mental Maps Still Matter in the Age of GPS
Uncovering JAPA: Revisit Kevin Lynch's 1960 book The Image of the City and find relevance and new insights in his ideas about cognitive mapping. -
May 23, 2019
40 Years Ago: Neil Smith, Gentrification, and the Flow of Money
Uncovering JAPA: In 1979, Neil Smith reconsidered the foundations of gentrification, pinpointing the flow of capital that continues to reshape city centers today. -
May 21, 2019
Expanding Cottage Home: A Pioneer for Housing Affordability
Clovis, California's Cottage Home Program for affordable housing is expanding throughout the city. -
April 17, 2019
50 Years of Denise Scott Brown’s Vision for Socially Responsible Design
Uncovering JAPA: In 1969, architect Denise Scott Brown wrote in JAPA about the difficult balance between the urban designer's professional expertise and the public's desires. That discussion continues today. -
April 10, 2019
Kevin Lynch in Retrospect
Uncovering JAPA: A special issue of JAPA honors planner and academic Kevin Lynch and explores why his work still matters. -
September 29, 2016
How DO Planners Deal with Local Fracking?
A Summer 2016 JAPA article looks at how planners are dealing with the dangers and problems created by local fracking. -
August 24, 2016
Not Happy? Call a Planner!
The Summer 2016 issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association features two articles that encourage planners to work to improve happiness. -
March 30, 2016
Conflict and Convergence Between Historic Preservation and City Planning
Conflict is perhaps endemic to the preservation process in which the goals of city planners and historic preservationists are not always the same. -
March 24, 2016
City Planning and Historic Preservation: Friendly Enemies?
The Spring 2016 issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA) examines the legacy of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
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