March 19, 2025
Building for Tomorrow: States Take Action on Housing Reform
While the nation navigates the latest executive orders and highly anticipated bipartisan action on the federal level, state leaders are taking action now to enable the reforms communities need to boost supply. Increasingly, governors are bringing local leaders together with housing policy experts – including planners – to determine ways the state can pave the way for local housing action. -
March 13, 2025
Tiny Home Micro Communities Helping to Shelter Denver's Unhoused Population
How the planners got creative with the city's zoning code and built community coalitions to create housing solutions for people experiencing homelessness. -
March 12, 2025
Let’s Make This ‘Shouse’ a Home
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Is there is an emerging typology of unconventional homes in rural and exurban areas, and are local development regulations frustrating efforts to build these homes? -
February 5, 2025
HUD Announces Second Round of PRO Housing Grant Recipients
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a second round of Pathways to Reducing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grants. Over $100 million in funding will be distributed to 18 communities nationwide in support of their work to reform outdated and restrictive zoning regulations – a proven approach to increasing housing abundance. -
December 13, 2024
Iowa City Creates Path to Homeownership
Equity in Practice: Iowa City, Iowa, uses vacant or underused properties to create a path to homeownership and neighborhood revitalization for residents in the South District. -
November 26, 2024
YIMBY Act Finds New Support in Congress
From greenlighting two rounds of pro-housing planning funding to the launch of the Yes in My Backyard Caucus, members of the 118th Congress have demonstrated their willingness to better partner with communities on housing reform. -
November 15, 2024
APA Leaders Advocate for Planners at 12th World Urban Forum in Egypt
The American Planning Association joined with the international community November 4-8, 2024, in Cairo, Egypt, for the World Urban Forum’s (WUF) conference to exchange ideas and learn new ways to uplift and support planners at home and abroad. -
November 13, 2024
Three Ways a Lack of Workforce Housing Impacts Communities
The consequences for insufficient workforce housing are severe. Learn how planning advocates are fighting to secure federal support to improve local economies. -
October 25, 2024
APA’s Upcoming International Learning Opportunities
APA’s ongoing international strategy aims to advocate for the planning profession and facilitate learning exchanges with our peers worldwide that will benefit APA members. -
October 21, 2024
Warren, Rhode Island, Planning Ahead For Rising Sea Levels
One of the smallest towns in the smallest state is set to get smaller with climate change, and planners in Warren, Rhode Island, are working on a managed retreat to prepare for it. -
June 28, 2024
PRO Housing Grants Announced: New Federal Support for Local Zoning Reform
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces the long-awaited Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO-Housing) grants. -
June 26, 2024
Spokane's Interim Housing Ordinance Allowed City to Do 'Some Great Things'
The Building Opportunity and Choices for All interim ordinance adopted by Spokane in 2022 allowed for up to four housing units to be built on any residential lot. -
May 14, 2024
Eagle, Colorado Goes to Bat for Affordable Housing Solutions
In the summer of 2021, Eagle staff ramped up their efforts to update the town’s zoning code. That meant getting out into the community to hear from their residents to "get a gauge of what was being felt in the community." -
April 22, 2024
Manufacturing Affordability
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: The important role of manufactured housing in supporting housing choice, availability, and affordability. -
April 11, 2024
Why Minnesota Needs to Protect the 2040 Plan
Minnesota needs to protect the 2040 Plan to maintain its position as a national leader in housing supply and zoning reform, which is crucial for addressing the housing attainability crisis and ensuring housing equity and affordability across the state. -
February 28, 2024
5 Federal Zoning Reform Bills Every Planner Should Know
Five federal zoning reform bills, endorsed by APA, that every planner should know. -
December 20, 2023
The Impact of Infrastructure and Workforce Challenges on Local Housing Supply
The Housing Supply Accelerator recently concluded its series of convenings in Atlanta, focused on the need to align infrastructure investments with housing development and address the shortage of construction workers through strategic initiatives. -
December 13, 2023
Disaster Resilience Strategy and Leadership Vary Widely Among States
New research finds some have taken steps to plan and adapt, but others are lagging -
December 11, 2023
Can Zoning Save Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH)?
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: What role can zoning play in shielding naturally occurring affordable housing from redevelopment? -
November 30, 2023
The Lasting Legacy of Harmful Land-Use Regulations
Uncovering JAPA: Early land-use regulations shaped the concepts of race, which challenge today's planners to create equitable spaces. -
November 14, 2023
Top Five Takeaways: White House Housing Fact Sheet
The Biden-Harris Administration announced new actions last month to support and accelerate commercial-to-residential conversions through new federal guidance on financing and tax incentives, technical assistance, and the reuse of federal properties. -
November 8, 2023
Support for Zoning Reform Across Capitol Hill
The PRO-Housing Program cleared important legislative hurdles this month after gaining a second year of funding in the Senate transportation and housing funding bill and passing as an amendment in the House's version of the same funding bill. -
November 2, 2023
Impact of Low-Cost Housing Interventions
Uncovering JAPA: The positive impact of low-cost housing remediations led to reduced blight and crime in Philadelphia. -
October 27, 2023
Examining the Role of Land Use and Regulations in Housing Development
A recap of the third convening for the Housing Supply Accelerator focusing on examining the role of regulatory processes in facilitating housing production to address shortages. -
October 18, 2023
Three Governors Issue Executive Orders on Housing to Increase Supply
Governors of Colorado, New York, and Hawaii have exercised their executive powers to implement various levels of zoning reform within their states. -
October 13, 2023
No State Immune to Housing Supply Shortage
A new report, sponsored by APA, finds that the nation's housing supply shortage is getting worse, faster — especially for small towns and suburban communities that face high housing demand in the aftermath of the pandemic. -
October 11, 2023
Are We Close to Automating Zoning?
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Can generative AI take the drudgery out of drafting zoning regulations? -
September 12, 2023
Housing Finance Takes Focus at Most Recent Housing Supply Accelerator Convening
The second Housing Supply Accelerator convening held in Tacoma, Washington, focused on housing finance, including filling the information gap, public-private partnerships, and utilizing federal funding and programs. -
August 30, 2023
Federal Zoning Reform Funding Available Now
A new federal competitive grant program – totaling $85 million – is now available to help local governments develop and implement policies that create and preserve housing options by breaking down barriers to zoning reform. -
July 13, 2023
SHELTER: A Redistributive Affordable Housing Policy
Uncovering JAPA: Plan to reuse existing revenues to fund innovative housing policy reforms. -
June 29, 2023
Discretionary vs. By-Right Approval: Which is Faster?
Uncovering JAPA: Is by-right or discretionary approval faster? -
June 21, 2023
Three Chicago Housing Developments Meeting Community Needs
Members of the Housing Supply Accelerator Steering Committee tour three housing developments on Chicago's south and west sides to see innovation at work. -
June 21, 2023
Construction and Development Issues Take Focus at Latest Housing Supply Accelerator Convening
Recent Housing Supply Accelerator convening explored the various issues and opportunities related to construction and development of the nation's housing. -
June 15, 2023
Increasing Sharing Options in Housing to Improve Mental Health
Uncovering JAPA: Planners can promote sharing capabilities to create a flexible backdrop for people to live within to meet the social needs of Americans today. -
May 31, 2023
Five Key ADU State Bills
A list of accessory dwelling unit bills that were introduced in 2023 state legislative sessions. -
May 30, 2023
How to Overcome ADU Barriers
APA and AARP partner to create a guide to expand local supply and legal occupancy of ADUs -
May 18, 2023
Do Municipalities Use Cost-Benefit Analysis for Incentive Zoning?
Uncovering JAPA: Exploring the use of cost-benefit to develop incentive zoning programs. -
March 24, 2023
State of the State Addresses Aim to Tackle the Housing Crisis
Governors address housing policies in state of state addresses in 2023. -
March 22, 2023
National Experts Join the Housing Supply Accelerator to Guide Meaningful Action
National experts appointed to help guide the Housing Supply Accelerator. -
March 2, 2023
Maximizing Affordable Housing Production Under Inclusionary Zoning
Uncovering JAPA: Authors aim to understand the effectiveness of different inclusionary zoning policies. -
February 16, 2023
Understanding the Motivations and Barriers to ADU Construction
Uncovering JAPA: What are the barriers to building ADUs? -
February 16, 2023
It's Perilous to Ignore “Gentle” Zoning Reforms
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Could subtle zoning changes make a big difference in your community? -
February 9, 2023
Lessons for American Zoning From Australia and Canada
Uncovering JAPA: Learning from Australia and Canada's zoning decisions to advance environmental goals, not exclusionary motivations. -
January 20, 2023
What to Expect in State Legislatures on Zoning Reform in 2023
State legislatures in 2022 focused on increasing affordable housing within their respective regions. The trend of state legislatures preempting zoning reform is expected to continue in 2023 across the country. -
January 19, 2023
Potential of Manufactured Housing and Resident-Owned Communities
Uncovering JAPA: Manufactured housing deserves more academic attention. -
January 13, 2023
Demystifying the Zoning Reform Process
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Is your community overdue for a new development code? -
January 12, 2023
Decriminalizing Vehicular Homelessness in Los Angeles
Uncovering JAPA: Restrictive vehicle ordinances do not reduce the prevalence of vehicular homelessness, but shift it to different communities. -
January 10, 2023
Congress Funds New ‘YIMBY’ Grants for Zoning Reform
Congress passes a new $85 million grant program aimed at zoning reform. The funding represents a new and significant incentive and support for local zoning reform and planning for housing affordability. -
November 11, 2022
Don’t Sleep on Coliving
Spotlight on Zoning Practice: Your zoning code probably isn't ready for modern coliving communities. -
July 18, 2022
Housing Scarcity Is Worse Than Ever
A recent report demonstrates that the underproduction of housing units affects 47 states and Washington D.C., and its impacts are being felt in all kinds of places, from dense urban areas to small, rural towns.
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