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Berkeley County, WV, A Quick Guide to Conservation Easements
2021This guide provides an overview of conservation easements as tools to help protect farmland. -
Pennsylvania Agricultural Resources Evaluation Handbook
March 2016This guide presents actions that can help transportation planners and other decision-makers identify resources throughout the several phases of transportation projects to avoid or minimize the impacts on agricultural resources. -
Wisconsin Guide for Developing County Farmland Preservation Plans
February 2011This guide contains information to help counties develop farmland protection plans that address the continued loss of important agricultural land to urban development pressures. -
Lancaster County, PA, Agricultural Zoning District Guidelines for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
October 2010This guide, created as part of Lancaster County’s comprehensive planning process, provides information on agricultural zoning districts as mechanisms to help protect agricultural resources and industry. -
Orland, CA, Administrative Guidelines for Implementation of General Plan Agricultural Buffering Policies
September 2005This guide addresses farmland protection by establishing agricultural buffering guidelines for new urban development in the city. -
Planning for Agriculture: A Guide for Connecticut Municipalities
October 2020by: Chelsea Gazillo, John Guszkowski, AICP, Kip KolesinskasThis guide from American Farmland Trust and Connecticut Conference of Municipalities offers information and tools to help local leaders preserve and protect local agriculture. -
Planning for Agriculture in Wisconsin: A Guide for Communities
November 2002by: Douglas Jackson-Smith, Paul Benjamin, Richard CastlenuovoThis guide from University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection addresses how to plan for agriculture. -
British Columbia Guide to Edge Planning: Promoting Compatibility Along Agricultural–Urban Edges
2015This guide offers guidelines for maximizing compatibility between uses in Edge Planning Areas or agricultural and urban lands near Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) boundaries. -
Open Space & Resource Protection Regulations
2007This guide provides information to help implement regulations to help protect open space in Vermont. -
Farmland Solar Policy Design Toolkit
May 2020by: Genevieve ByrneThis guide is designed to help state and local officials understand how different state and local policy options affect opportunities to site solar projects on farmland. -
Agricultural Protection Zoning
Updated November 2013by: Spotts Stevens & McCoy Inc, John Theilacker, Andrew LozaThis guide from the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association summarizes agricultural protection zoning options. -
New Hampshire Innovative Land Use Planning Techniques: A Handbook for Sustainable Development
October 2008This model belongs to the Active Transportation, Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Farmland Protection, Housing Supply Planning, Inclusionary Housing, Residential Infill Development, Scenic View Protection, Social Equity, Transfer of Development Rights, and Transit-Oriented Development collections. -
Preserving Rural Character Through Agriculture: A Resource Kit for Planners
December 2000by: Nada HaddadThis guide focuses on the preservation of rural character through a thriving agricultural sector. -
New York Using Special Use Permits and Site Plan Regulations to Allow Large-Scale Solar Installations While Protecting Farmland
This guide offers information to help New York local governments understand tools used for siting large-scale solar systems in agricultural districts while also ensuring that productive farmland remains operational. -
New York Solar Installations in Agricultural Districts
This guide offers information to help New York local governments navigate the development of solar projects that comply with existing farmland protection policies. -
APA Policy Guide on Agricultural Land Preservation
The APA Policy Guide on Agricultural Land Preservation adopted in 1999.
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