APA Writes and Signs on to Letters in Support of Issues That Impact Planning


This year, the American Planning Association (APA) calls on Congress and the Trump Administration to support planning for increased housing supply solutions and zoning reforms that deliver diverse, attainable, and abundant housing.

Our organizations write to express strong support for the Housing Supply and Innovation Frameworks Act of 2024. This bipartisan legislation is essential for developing best practices to unlock housing opportunities at the state and local levels.


APA once again supports the federal bill that encourages communities to eliminate discriminatory land use policies, making it easier for planners to close housing gaps and remove barriers that depress the production of housing in the United States.

APA calls on Congress and the Biden Administration to support planning for housing and zoning reforms that deliver diverse, attainable, and equitable housing. Federal support for planning-led zoning reform is essential to increasing housing options and supply to make an impact at the local level.


APA joins a pro-housing coalition in support of a federal bill that encourages communities to eliminate discriminatory land use policies, making it easier for planners to close housing gaps and identify a plan for advancing zoning reforms.


APA signs on to a national letter urging Congress's support for the INVEST Act, which would improve the Transportation Alternatives Program and prioritize the safety of people using transportation.

APA signals to U.S. House leaders our support for embracing provisions in the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2) that would reinstate, strengthen, and establish key municipal bonds.

APA signs on to a national letter urging U.S. Senate leaders to act immediately to provide additional and flexible support to state and local governments ahead of their new fiscal years.

APA urges congressional leadership to prioritize relief and rescue aid for local governments and states, plus significant investment in transportation, housing, broadband, and water infrastructure in "phase four" of stimulus funding.

APA joins a wide coalition of partners in urging the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury to expedite the implementation of Exchange Stabilization Fund allocation.

APA calls on Congressional leadership to include provisions supporting communities in stimulus legislation.

APA joins a list of 20 organizations voicing support for U.S. Rep. Denny Heck's proposed Amendment in Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 4351, the Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act.


APA submitted a formal comment to the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis in response to the committee's request for information on legislative solutions to tackle the climate crisis.

APA joins nine national organizations in a letter supporting the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation to consider the bipartisan Digital Coast Act (S. 1069), which was sponsored by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Dan Sullivan (R-Ark.), and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.).

APA signs on to a national letter to key Senate appropriators, including Sens. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Susan Collins (R-Me.), and Jack Reed (D-R.I.), that supports increased investment in public transportation and blocking a $1.2 billion across-the-board cut to transit formula funds.

APA joins more than 20 national organizations on a letter supporting Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources action on the bicameral, bipartisan Outdoors For All Act (S. 1458), which would use federal funding to expand access to and invest in local and regional parks by establishing a dedicated funding source for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program. The legislation was introduced by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.).

APA President Kurt Christiansen, FAICP, endorses the Build More Housing Near Transit Act, which would encourage planning for housing near transit by enhancing evaluation criteria for the Federal Transit Administration's Capital Investment Grants program. The bill was sponsored by U.S. Rep. Scott Peters (D-Cal.).

APA signs on to the Census Project's letter which advocates for U.S. representatives to support the robust funding level for the constitutionally required 2020 Census in the House Appropriations Committee bill.

APA signs on to the Public Finance Network's letter which advocates for reinstating Advanced Refunding of Municipal Bonds that fund local infrastructure projects.

APA President Kurt Christiansen, FAICP, urges Congress to prioritize action on our 2019 legislative priorities, which are linked to creating just, healthy, and prosperous communities that expand opportunity for all.


APA signs on to a national letter to ask Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) to co-sponsor legislation that will improve local parks and green spaces.

APA sends a letter to Farm Bill conferee leaders expressing support for key provisions that advance local efforts to improve food system planning, expand access to healthy food, improve rural economies, and protect vital agricultural land and environmental resources.

APA sends a letter expressing support for the Coastal Communities Adaptation Act. This legislation would provide critical financing for a range of coastal resiliency plans and projects.

APA signs on to a national letter urging Congress to restore advance refunding of the municipal bill, a popular infrastructure tool killed in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

APA signs on to a national coalition letter requesting Congress appropriate adequate funding for the program in FY 2019.

APA signs on to a coalition letter requesting oversight on the inclusion of an untested citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

APA sends a letter urging the Department of Commerce to reverse its decision to include a new, untested citizenship question in the 2020 Census.

APA signs on to a joint letter urging members of Congress to maintain Municipal and Private Activity Bonds (PABs) in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R.1)

APA signs on to a joint letter urging members of Congress to invest in national parks, a critical component of the nation's infrastructure