APA Elections

2024 APA Consolidated Leadership Elections

Every year, APA members run for elected Leadership positions within three component groups: Chapters, Divisions, and the Student Representatives Council. We are pleased to announce the 2024 election schedule for this year's component elections (Chapters, Divisions, SRC).

ParticipatinG componentS

Participating chapters include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, George, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York Metro, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia

Participating divisions include: Arts & Planning, City Planning and Management, Economic Development, Federal Planning, Housing and Community Development, International, New Urbanism, Planning and Law, Planning and the Black Community, Regional and Intergovernmental Planning, Small Town and Rural Planning, Sustainable Communities, Technology, Transportation, Urban Design and Preservation, Women & Planning

Student Representatives Council Executive Committee positions include: Student Representatives Council Region 1 Representative, Student Representatives Council Region 5 Representative

Ballots for the 2024 election will be sent out on July 31. APA has partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS) to administer the 2024 APA Consolidated Election. To ensure your election specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on July 31, 2024, please add the following email address as an approved sender: noreply@directvote.net.

If you have questions about the election process or balloting, contact us at elections@planning.org!

Election Resources


2024 Election Timeline

March 29 Chapters/Divisions notice of participation and submit checklist form to staff.
April 30 Begin the Call for Nominations.
May 30 Firm deadline for submission of names of potential nominated candidates.
May 30 Firm deadline for receiving electronic position statements of all potential nominated candidates.
June 1 Member list for ballot distribution is prepared, for members eligible to vote in the election.
June 14 SUBMIT FINAL slate of candidate information to APA
July 31 Ballots available online, reminders emailed to all chapter/division members.
Early-August Email reminders sent to those members who have not yet voted.
Mid-August Email reminders sent to those members who have not yet voted.
August 28 Firm deadline for receipt of ballots from membership.
Early September Survey Ballot Systems issues election results report to National for dissemination to components.
January 1, 2025 Newly elected leaders take office.