Leadership and Governance

APA Leadership

APA's Governing Bodies
APA is governed by the APA Board of Directors, supported by a large network of volunteer leaders working together to advance the organization's mission and vision.
APA Board of Directors
APA is governed by its Board of Directors, a 16-member governing body. The APA President chairs the Board and sets broad policy for the Association and governs its affairs.
Nominations open in Spring 2025 for four-year terms that begin January 1, 2026.
AICP Commission
The AICP Commission is the 11-member governing body of the American Institute of Certified Planners. The Commission determines all matters of qualification, experience, and certification for professional planners.
Nominations open in Spring 2025 for four-year terms that begin January 1, 2026.
Chapter Presidents Council
A Council of all the incumbent Presidents of Chapters meets to exchange views and information on matters of common concern, monitors Chapter Performance, and serves as an advisory body to the APA Board through the CPC Chair.
Nominations for the CPC Executive Committee open in Spring 2025 for two-year terms that begin January 1, 2026. Chapter Presidents are elected every two years, confirm with your chapter the schedule of their elections.
Divisions Council
A Council of all the incumbent Chairs of Divisions meets to exchange views and information on matters of common concern, monitors Division performance, and serves as an advisory body to the APA Board through the DC Chair.
Nominations for the DC Executive Committee open in Spring 2025 for two-year terms that begin January 1, 2026. Division Chairs are elected every two years, confirm with your division the schedule of their elections.
Student Representatives Council
A Council of all APA's Student Representatives meets to exchange views and information on services to students and on the evolving character of the profession and serves as an advisory body to the APA Board through the SRC Chair.
Nominations for the SRC Executive Committee open in Spring 2025 for two-year terms that begin January 1, 2026. Division Chairs are elected every two years, confirm with your division the schedule of their elections.
Foundation Board of Trustees
The Foundation Board of Trustees is charged with governing the activities of the Foundation. The Foundation Board of Trustees is responsible for fundraising and increasing the visibility of the work of the APA Foundation.
Foundation Board of Trustee members are approved by the Board and serve two-year terms.
Get Involved
APA depends on volunteers like you to advance the organization's mission and goals and bring your perspective to the table. APA has a variety of elected and appointed leadership positions ranging from the national level on our Board of Directors all the way to service opportunities on committees and volunteer positions with local components, each role has its qualifications, responsibilities, and time commitments.
Governance Resources
Leadership Meeting Minutes (to be updated by January 2025)
APA In-Person Board Meeting
- (TBA) Denver, CO during NPC25
APA/AICP Annual Meeting
- Virtual: TBA, during NPC25 online (participants do not need to be registered for NPC online to attend)
Members will be notified at least 30 days in advance of the Annual Meeting