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    • Livingston, CA, 2025 General Plan

      Adopted October 2008
      The Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation chapter of this general plan includes policies that address solar energy use.
      Livingston, CA
    • Williston and Williams County, ND, Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted March 2017
      The city's comprehensive plan briefly addresses solar in its Environmental Preservation goals and objectives.
      Williston, ND
    • Ventura, CA, 2005 General Plan

      Adopted August 2005
      The Natural Resources and Planning and Design chapters of this general plan include policies and action items that address solar.
      San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA
    • San Luis Obispo, CA, General Plan

      Updated May 2015
      The Conservation and Open Space chapter of the city's general plan promotes solar energy use through several goals, policies, and requirements.
      San Luis Obispo, CA
    • Sammamish, WA, Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted October 2015
      The city's comprehensive plan includes policy recommendations that support solar energy use.
      Sammamish, WA
    • Carson, CA, General Plan

      Updated 2004
      This comprehensive plan includes several policies and implementation measures that support solar energy use.
    • Amherst, MA, Master Plan

      Adopted February 2010
      The town's Master Plan addresses solar as a sustainability strategy in its Natural and Cultural Resources Element as well as its Services and Facilities element.
    • Andover, MN, 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update

      Adopted 2008
      The city's Comprehensive Plan includes land use goals and policies in support of access to solar energy.
    • Anaheim, CA, General Plan

      Updated April 2018
      The Green Element of the city's General Plan encourages solar siting and building design.
    • Shakopee, MN, 2030 Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted August 2009
      This plan discusses solar access issues and sets a goal of promoting solar energy use.
    • Santa Fe County, NM, Sustainable Growth Management Plan

      Adopted 2015
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Home Occupations and Solar Energy collections.
    • Palm Desert, CA, Comprehensive General Plan

      Adopted November, 2016
      The city's general plan provides several policies and programs that support development of solar and other local alternative energy sources, as well as conservation of environmentally sensitive areas.
    • Chico, CA, 2030 General Plan

      Adopted April 2011
      This comprehensive plan includes goals, policies, and actions to reduce nonrenewable energy resource consumption by supporting renewable energy technologies and passive solar design principles in new development.
    • Howard County, MD, PlanHoward 2030

      Updated February 2021
      The Energy Resources section of the county's general plan includes policies and implementing actions around promoting renewable energy resources.
    • Stearns County, MN, Shape Stearns 2040 Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted July 2020
      The county's comprehensive plan includes a Clean Energy focus area in its Agriculture element.
    • Inyo County, CA, General Plan

      Updated March 2015
      The county's comprehensive plan includes a Renewable Energy amendment that provides siting guidance for community- and utility-scale solar facilities.
    • San Bernardino County, CA, Countywide Plan

      Adopted October 2020
      The county's comprehensive plan includes a Renewable Energy & Conservation element.
    • Syracuse, NY, Comprehensive Plan 2040

      Adopted March 2014
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Brownfields Redevelopment, Form-Based Zoning, Green Building, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, and Solar Energy collections.
    • Vista, CA, General Plan 2030

      Adopted February 2012
      The city's comprehensive plan includes policies to promote efficient and sustainable use of energy resources by incorporating passive solar design features in new buildings and identifying sites for solar energy production
    • Oak Creek, CO, Comprehensive Plan 2015

      Adopted January 2016
      The Environment and Natural Resources and the Transportation and Infrastructure chapters of the town's comprehensive plan include policies and action items addressing solar access and development of solar and other sustainable utilities.
    • Ithaca, NY, Comprehensive Plan 2014

      Adopted September 2014
      This town's comprehensive plan includes a series of recommendations to promote solar and other renewable energy use on public and private property, including regulatory changes, financial incentives, and purchasing RECs.
    • Solano County, CA, General Plan

      Updated May 2015
      The Resources element in the county's general plan includes several policies and implementation programs encouraging on-site solar energy use; the Land Use and Housing elements also address solar energy.
    • Polk County, FL, Comprehensive Plan

      Updated July 2019
      The county's comprehensive plan addresses primary-use and accessory-use solar development in its Future Land Use element.
    • Corvallis, OR, Comprehensive Plan

      Updated 2016
      The city's comprehensive plan belongs to the Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Hazard Mitigation, and Solar Energy collections.
    • Douglas County, CO, Comprehensive Master Plan 2040

      Adopted August 2019
      The county’s comprehensive plan includes extensive hazard mitigation policy recommendations in its Environmental Quality section.
    • Nye County, NV, Comprehensive Master Plan

      Adopted June 2011
      The county's master plan discusses solar energy resources and offers goals, objectives, and policies that promote the use of solar and other alternative energy sources.
    • Lancaster, CA, General Plan 2030

      Updated October 2013
      The city's comprehensive plan includes several policies and action statements that encourage solar site design and solar energy system use.
    • Livermore, CA, General Plan: 2003-2025

      Updated December 2014
      The Climate Change Element in the city's general plan includes best management practices and policies that promote the solar energy installations within the city.
    • Taft, CA, General Plan

      Updated April 2017
      This city's general plan supports the use of sustainable energy technologies, and the Open Space and Conservation, as well as the Energy Resources Alternative Energy Development, elements include policies and actions supporting renewable energy use.
    • Easthampton, MA, Master Plan

      Adopted 2008
      The Energy & Sustainability chapter of the city's master plan includes strategies of encouraging city-owned and brightfields solar energy projects.
    • Lansing, MI, 2012 Comprehensive Plan: Design Lansing

      Adopted April 2012
      The city's comprehensive plan discusses solar installations and promotes the development of renewable energy infrastructure.
    • Clemson, SC, Comprehensive Plan 2024

      Updated September 2019
      The Natural Resources element of the city's comprehensive plan includes a broad objective to increase the use of solar energy along with seven recommended strategies that address both public and private investments in solar development.
    • The Dalles, OR, Comprehensive Land Use Plan

      Adopted May 2011
      The city's comprehensive plan supports solar energy use as an energy conservation strategy.
    • Oxnard, CA, 2030 General Plan

      Adopted September 2011
      The city's general plan includes multiple goals encouraging renewable energy generation.
    • Pinellas County, FL, Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted 2010
      The county's comprehensive plan includes goals, objectives, and policies that address solar energy use and group housing.
    • Petaluma, CA, General Plan

      Updated January 2012
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Green Building and Solar Energy collections.
    • Broward County, FL, Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted March 2019
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Green Building and Solar Energy collections.
    • King County, WA, Comprehensive Plan

      Updated October 2018
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Built Environment and Health, Food Systems, Social Equity, Solar Energy, and Transfer of Development Rights collections.
    • Gladstone, MO, Comprehensive Plan

      Updated February 2011
      This comprehensive plan includes belongs to the Green Building and Solar Energy collections.
    • Minneapolis, MN, Plan for Sustainable Growth

      Updated July 2016
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Active Transportation, Solar Energy, and Tree Preservation and the Urban Forest collections.
    • Gilroy, CA, 2020 General Plan

      Adopted June 2002
      The city's comprehensive plan includes policies that support solar energy use and solar access protections.
    • Goodyear, AZ, Goodyear 2025 General Plan

      Adopted March 2014
      The city's comprehensive plan provides a goal and related objectives and policies to promote solar energy use, and also designates the number of solar panel permits as an indicator to track implementation.
    • Hailey, ID, Comprehensive Plan

      Updated 2012
      The city's comprehensive plan includes a goal to promote renewable energy production.
    • Hayward, CA, 2040 General Plan

      Adopted July 2014
      The city's comprehensive plan encourages the installation and use of renewable energy, including on-site solar.
    • Beaverton, OR, Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted 2014
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Built Environment and Health and Solar Energy collections.
    • Dubuque, IA, Imagine Dubuque 2037

      Adopted September 2017
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Built Environment and Health and Solar Energy collections.
    • Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia 2035: The Comprehensive Plan

      Updated April 2018
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Historic Preservation, Neighborhood Planning, Solar Energy, Tree Preservation and the Urban Forest, and Smart Cities collections.
    • San Diego, CA, General Plan

      Updated June 2018
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Built Environment and Health, Historic Preservation, and Solar Energy collections.
    • Fargo, ND, GO 2030: Fargo Comprehensive Plan

      Adopted May 2012
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Solar Energy collections.
    • Scottsdale, AZ, General Plan 2035

      Adopted June 2021
      This comprehensive plan belongs to the Solar Energy and Urban Heat Resilience collections.

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